Scala 2.10-M1 和 2.9 同时在 Devel Machine 上运行?
排序完毕,SCALA_HOME + /bin 到 PATH 设置默认解释器;即在我的例子中,从 bash 提示符中输入“scala”会调用 2.9.1。刚刚下载了2.10.0.M1。从 bash 调用 /path/to/2.10/bin/scala 会调出 2.10 REPL。
我只需为 2.10 添加一个终端别名,这样我就不必手动输入路径。
我是否需要一个来宾虚拟机来完成此任务,或者在 Linux 中,我可以以某种方式并行运行 2.10 和 2.9 吗?
基本上,我想尝试 2.10-M1 反射,看看在继续常规 2.9.1 开发的同时,我会对案例类造成什么样的运行时破坏。
如果没有的话,在 2.10 的演变过程中,Kotlin 式的 Web 演示肯定会很不错……
Got it sorted, SCALA_HOME + /bin to PATH sets the default interpreter; i.e. typing "scala" from bash prompt invokes 2.9.1 in my case. Just downloaded 2.10.0.M1. Invoking /path/to/2.10/bin/scala from bash brings up 2.10 REPL.
I'll just add a terminal alias for 2.10 so I don't have to type out the path manually.
Do I need a guest VM to pull this off, or in Linux, can I somehow run 2.10 and 2.9 side-by-side?
Basically, I'd like to experiment with 2.10-M1 reflection and see what runtime havoc I can wreak on case classes while continuing with general 2.9.1 development.
If not, a Kotlin-esque web demo sure would be nice to mess around with during the 2.10 evolution...
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安装多个版本的Scala完全没有问题;只需将它们安装在两个不同的目录中即可。当您想要使用特定版本时,请确保调用正确版本的 scalac、scala 和其他可执行文件。
Scala 不需要任何系统范围的设置来阻止您的计算机上同时拥有多个版本。
There is no problem at all with installing multiple versions of Scala; just install them in two different directories. Make sure you call the right version of
and other executables when you want to use a specific version.Scala does not require any system-wide settings that prevent you from having more than one version on your computer at once.
他们会很好地共存。请记住,从运行时的角度来看,scala 实际上只是 Java 的一个薄包装。也就是说:
运行已编译的 scala,They will co-exist just fine. Remember that
is really just a thin wrapper around Java from a runtime perspective. That is:$JAVA_HOME/bin/java
as long asscala-library.jar
is on the classpath