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Closed 11 years ago.
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根据您需要的指标类型,您可能会考虑使用 CLOC 来计算代码行指标,或者,例如、CCFinder,用于计算与代码重复相关的不同指标。 CCFinder GUI 版本似乎不起作用,但命令行版本似乎工作得很好。
此外,许多商业工具,例如CMT++ by Testwell通常可以提供评估许可证。
Depending on what kinds of metrics you need, you might consider CLOC that calculates lines of code metrics, or, for instance, CCFinder that calculates different metrics related to code duplication. CCFinder GUI version does not seem to work but the command line version seems to work just fine.
Moreover, many commercial tools, e.g., CMT++ by Testwell often can provide evaluation licenses.
还有 pmccabe ,它具有可用的 Debian/Ubuntu 软件包。它计算每个函数的 McCabe 复杂度。
Some month ago, a colleage of mine had shown me the results of cppdepends analysis on a software we were working on, and I remember it gave me a good impression. You may check their linux version.
There is also pmccabe which has an available Debian/Ubuntu package. It computes the McCabe complexity for each function.
Metrix++ 在 Linux 上运行并且有一些代码质量指标。
Metrix++ works on linux and has got some code quality metrics.