Java Web应用发布流程
尝试设置释放Java Web应用程序的过程以确保不存在内存泄漏。它可能涉及确保编写的代码具有良好的质量、性能测试、分析 Java 代码。如果有人可以分享他们的流程或任何在这方面有帮助的东西,我将不胜感激。
Trying to set up the process of releasing Java web applications in order to make sure that there are no memory leaks. It can involve making sure that the code written is of good quality, performance testing, profiling Java code. Would highly appreciate if anyone can share their process or anything that helps in this regard.
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。

您可以尝试 Plumbr,这是一个专门针对查找内存泄漏的工具,并且它没有任何 GUI – 如果它发现泄漏后,它会生成一个 Html 报告并在日志中说明这一点。
因此,在您的发布过程中,您可以将 Plumbr 附加到您的应用程序,运行一组自动化测试,然后监视日志中是否存在泄漏(如果有)。另一种选择是使用 JMX 来查询 Plumbr 的状态。
You could try Plumbr, which is a tool specifically targeted at finding memory leaks and it doesn't have any GUI – if it finds the leak, it produces a Html report and says about it in the logs.
So, in your release procedure you can attach Plumbr to your application, run your set of automated tests and then monitor logs for the banner which says that there's a leak, if there's any. Another option is to use JMX to query Plumbr's status.