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Closed 12 years ago.
尝试使用允许您定位大文件或按大小对文件进行排序的磁盘实用程序(例如 windirstat,尽管还有许多其他实用程序)。 2GB 的文件应该会脱颖而出。
Try a disk utility that allows you to locate large files or sort files by size (such as windirstat, although there are many others). A file that's 2GB should stand out.
在磁盘中搜索扩展名为 tc (*.tc) 的文件。
Search your disk for a file with extension tc (*.tc).
There is no volume assigned unless you assign one (a drive letter). So you can uninstall freely.
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尝试使用允许您定位大文件或按大小对文件进行排序的磁盘实用程序(例如 windirstat,尽管还有许多其他实用程序)。 2GB 的文件应该会脱颖而出。
Try a disk utility that allows you to locate large files or sort files by size (such as windirstat, although there are many others). A file that's 2GB should stand out.
在磁盘中搜索扩展名为 tc (
) 的文件。除非您分配一个卷(驱动器号),否则不会分配任何卷。所以你可以自由卸载。
Search your disk for a file with extension tc (
).There is no volume assigned unless you assign one (a drive letter). So you can uninstall freely.