Javascript 可以在 Chrome 中运行,但除此之外别无其他
我正在处理这个附加问题工作表,我让它在 Chrome 中工作并运行,但下一个问题按钮在其他任何东西中都不起作用。这是我的第一个 Javascript 程序。我通过验证器运行它并将其减少到 1 个错误,但注释掉该行似乎没有帮助。
这是整个 Javascript 部分:
<script type="text/javascript">
var questionTop = new Array(); //Array to store the top random number of questions
var questionBot = new Array(); //Array to store the bottom random number of questions
var answers = new Array(); //Array to store the answers the user enters
var correct = new Array(); //Array to store the correct answers
var questionMarker = 0; //Loop counter for number of times through
var correctAnswers = 0; //Counter for number of correct answers
function startQuiz() {
questionMarker = 0; //Function starts the quiz and resets the form
correctAnswers = 0; //so that the first random numbers show up and hides the start button
function randomNumber()
var number = Math.floor(Math.random()*50) + 1; //Generates a random number between 1-50
return number;
function nextQuestion()
if(txtAnswer.value === "") //Check to see if they answered the question
alert("You didn't answer the question."); //Tell them they didn't
questionTop[questionMarker] = document.getElementById('firstAdd').innerHTML * 1; //Stores the top random number in the array
questionBot[questionMarker] = document.getElementById('secondAdd').innerHTML * 1; //Stores the bottom random number in the array
answers[questionMarker] = txtAnswer.value; //Stores the answer given by the user
correct[questionMarker] = questionTop[questionMarker] + questionBot[questionMarker]; //Calculates and stores the correct answer
if(answers[questionMarker] == correct[questionMarker]) //Checks to see if they got the answer right
alert("You got the question right!"); //Tells them so
correctAnswers++; //Counts the correct answer for later
alert("Sorry that was not the correct answer." + '\n' + "You answered " + answers[questionMarker] + '\n' + "The correct answer was " + correct[questionMarker]); //Tells them the answer if they got it wrong and compares to their answer
document.getElementById('firstAdd').innerHTML=randomNumber(); //Generates new top random number
document.getElementById('secondAdd').innerHTML=randomNumber(); //Generates new bottom random number
txtAnswer.value = ""; //Clears the answer field
txtCarry.value = ""; //Clears the carry field
questionMarker++; //Increments the questionMarker so we know how many questions we've answered.
if(questionMarker == 10) //If we've answered 10 questions...
alert("You have completed the quiz!"); //The quiz is completed
document.write("Your Answers:"); //Displays their answers
document.write('\n' + questionTop[0] + " + " + questionBot[0] + " = " + answers[0] + " Correct Answer is: " + correct[0]);
document.write('\n' + questionTop[1] + " + " + questionBot[1] + " = " + answers[1] + " Correct Answer is: " + correct[1]);
document.write('\n' + questionTop[2] + " + " + questionBot[2] + " = " + answers[2] + " Correct Answer is: " + correct[2]);
document.write('\n' + questionTop[3] + " + " + questionBot[3] + " = " + answers[3] + " Correct Answer is: " + correct[3]);
document.write('\n' + questionTop[4] + " + " + questionBot[4] + " = " + answers[4] + " Correct Answer is: " + correct[4]);
document.write('\n' + questionTop[5] + " + " + questionBot[5] + " = " + answers[5] + " Correct Answer is: " + correct[5]);
document.write('\n' + questionTop[6] + " + " + questionBot[6] + " = " + answers[6] + " Correct Answer is: " + correct[6]);
document.write('\n' + questionTop[7] + " + " + questionBot[7] + " = " + answers[7] + " Correct Answer is: " + correct[7]);
document.write('\n' + questionTop[8] + " + " + questionBot[8] + " = " + answers[8] + " Correct Answer is: " + correct[8]);
document.write('\n' + questionTop[9] + " + " + questionBot[9] + " = " + answers[9] + " Correct Answer is: " + correct[9]);
document.write('\n' + "You got " + correctAnswers + " answers right out of 10."); //Shows how many answers they got right
document.write('\n' + "You got " + correctAnswers*10 + "% of the questions right."); //Calculates their percent right
document.write('\n' + '<button id="newQuiz" type="button" onclick="window.location.reload()">New Quiz</button>'); //Creates new button to reload the screen and start again
它位于网络上: 代码位于< 的 iFrame 中/a>
I'm working on this addition problem worksheet and I got it working and running in Chrome but the next question button doesn't work in anything else. This is my first Javascript program. I ran it through a validator and got it down to 1 error, but commenting out that line doesn't seem to help.
Here's the whole Javascript section:
<script type="text/javascript">
var questionTop = new Array(); //Array to store the top random number of questions
var questionBot = new Array(); //Array to store the bottom random number of questions
var answers = new Array(); //Array to store the answers the user enters
var correct = new Array(); //Array to store the correct answers
var questionMarker = 0; //Loop counter for number of times through
var correctAnswers = 0; //Counter for number of correct answers
function startQuiz() {
questionMarker = 0; //Function starts the quiz and resets the form
correctAnswers = 0; //so that the first random numbers show up and hides the start button
function randomNumber()
var number = Math.floor(Math.random()*50) + 1; //Generates a random number between 1-50
return number;
function nextQuestion()
if(txtAnswer.value === "") //Check to see if they answered the question
alert("You didn't answer the question."); //Tell them they didn't
questionTop[questionMarker] = document.getElementById('firstAdd').innerHTML * 1; //Stores the top random number in the array
questionBot[questionMarker] = document.getElementById('secondAdd').innerHTML * 1; //Stores the bottom random number in the array
answers[questionMarker] = txtAnswer.value; //Stores the answer given by the user
correct[questionMarker] = questionTop[questionMarker] + questionBot[questionMarker]; //Calculates and stores the correct answer
if(answers[questionMarker] == correct[questionMarker]) //Checks to see if they got the answer right
alert("You got the question right!"); //Tells them so
correctAnswers++; //Counts the correct answer for later
alert("Sorry that was not the correct answer." + '\n' + "You answered " + answers[questionMarker] + '\n' + "The correct answer was " + correct[questionMarker]); //Tells them the answer if they got it wrong and compares to their answer
document.getElementById('firstAdd').innerHTML=randomNumber(); //Generates new top random number
document.getElementById('secondAdd').innerHTML=randomNumber(); //Generates new bottom random number
txtAnswer.value = ""; //Clears the answer field
txtCarry.value = ""; //Clears the carry field
questionMarker++; //Increments the questionMarker so we know how many questions we've answered.
if(questionMarker == 10) //If we've answered 10 questions...
alert("You have completed the quiz!"); //The quiz is completed
document.write("Your Answers:"); //Displays their answers
document.write('\n' + questionTop[0] + " + " + questionBot[0] + " = " + answers[0] + " Correct Answer is: " + correct[0]);
document.write('\n' + questionTop[1] + " + " + questionBot[1] + " = " + answers[1] + " Correct Answer is: " + correct[1]);
document.write('\n' + questionTop[2] + " + " + questionBot[2] + " = " + answers[2] + " Correct Answer is: " + correct[2]);
document.write('\n' + questionTop[3] + " + " + questionBot[3] + " = " + answers[3] + " Correct Answer is: " + correct[3]);
document.write('\n' + questionTop[4] + " + " + questionBot[4] + " = " + answers[4] + " Correct Answer is: " + correct[4]);
document.write('\n' + questionTop[5] + " + " + questionBot[5] + " = " + answers[5] + " Correct Answer is: " + correct[5]);
document.write('\n' + questionTop[6] + " + " + questionBot[6] + " = " + answers[6] + " Correct Answer is: " + correct[6]);
document.write('\n' + questionTop[7] + " + " + questionBot[7] + " = " + answers[7] + " Correct Answer is: " + correct[7]);
document.write('\n' + questionTop[8] + " + " + questionBot[8] + " = " + answers[8] + " Correct Answer is: " + correct[8]);
document.write('\n' + questionTop[9] + " + " + questionBot[9] + " = " + answers[9] + " Correct Answer is: " + correct[9]);
document.write('\n' + "You got " + correctAnswers + " answers right out of 10."); //Shows how many answers they got right
document.write('\n' + "You got " + correctAnswers*10 + "% of the questions right."); //Calculates their percent right
document.write('\n' + '<button id="newQuiz" type="button" onclick="window.location.reload()">New Quiz</button>'); //Creates new button to reload the screen and start again
It's located on the web here:
The code is in an iFrame at
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变量之前没有定义它。有些浏览器会自动将 DOM ID 映射到 Javascript 变量(我相信 IE 也会这样做),但你不能真正指望它能正常工作。
to:Your issue was you were not defining the
variable before you used it.Some browsers will map DOM IDs to Javascript variables automatically (I believe IE does this as well), but you can't really count on that working.
变量之前,您尚未声明它。You have not declared the
variable before you use it.您的问题是没有定义名为 txtAnswer 的变量。我认为 Chrome 将具有 id 的 DOM 元素映射到具有相同名称的变量(这是您不能依赖的行为)。
函数:Your problem is that there's no defined variable called
. I suppose that Chrome maps DOM elements with id to variables with the same name (which is a behaviour you cannot rely on).I suggest yout to add this line to begin your
function :