Small Business Server 2011,为什么加载时间这么长?
我在我的公司 SBS 2011 上有一块主板,可处理双至强四核 3.2 Ghz 处理器 (X5492)、16GB 内存、500GB 主驱动器、1 TB raid 和千兆位网络...
管理员说这需要启动和完全加载功能需要 10 到 15 分钟。这里有人可以解释为什么吗?
我曾经是其他公司和实体的管理员,包括在我运行 OS X Server 的家里。
Mac Mini 上的 OS X Server 加载时间不超过 5 分钟。为什么 Windows SBS 2011 位于更具可扩展性和更强大的硬件平台上(Xeon 处理器与 i5 相比)...
我只是不同意 SBS 2011 的操作系统如此复杂,以至于启动所有内容所需的时间比从头开始制作一盘玉米片(包括自己煎炸薯条)所需的时间还要多。
I have in my company, SBS 2011, on a mother board that handles Dual Xeon Quad Core 3.2 Ghz processors (X5492), 16GB of ram, 500GB main drive, 1 TB raid, and a gigabit network...
The administrator says it takes between 10 to 15 minutes to boot, and fully load for functionality. Can someone here explain why?
I use to be an administrator at other companies and entities, including at home where I am running OS X Server.
OS X Server takes less than 5 minutes to load on a Mac Mini maxed out. Why is Windows SBS 2011 being on a vastly more expandable and more robust hardware platform (Xeon Processors compared to i5)...
My administrator tells me it's complex and I won't understand. I say nuts to that, but I let them think they know more than me.
I just can't agree that SBS 2011 is so complex of an OS that it takes more time to start up everything than it does to make a plate of nachos from scratch (including frying the chips yourself).
Can someone explain to me why it takes so long? All we are doing using it for a file sharing and email server.
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主要问题似乎是它加载了许多服务,如 Exchange、SQL Server 等,这些服务比 Mac/Linux 的对应服务(如 MySQL)要臃肿得多。
此外,NTFS 应该是像 Mac 和 Linux 一样的防错日志文件系统,但它比 Mac/Linux 更容易因突然断电而损坏,并且重新启动时的文件系统检查和清理需要大量的工作与 Mac/Linux 相比,节省了时间。
The main problem seems to be that it's loading a lot of services like Exchange, SQL Server, etc. that are considerably more bloated than Mac/Linux counterparts such as MySQL.
Also, NTFS is supposed to be an error-resistant journaling filesystem like the Mac and Linux, BUT it is much more prone to corruption due to abrupt power-off shutdowns than Mac/Linux AND the filesystem check and cleanup on reboot takes an incredible amount of time compared to Mac/Linux.