我正在做一些改变,为 2 月 1 日做准备。我有一个有 30000 个赞的粉丝页面。我按照 Facebook 的说明创建了一个具有相同名称和类型的页面(应用程序)。新页面没有任何点赞(这可能需要一段时间?)。该游戏也没有我的其他应用程序都有的按钮(转到应用程序)。
I am making changes in preparation for February 1. I have a fan page with 30000 likes. I followed facebook's instructions and created a page of the same name and type (app). The new page does not have any likes (this may take a while?). Nor does the game have the button that my other apps all have (Go to App).
I can't find where this is. I've looked through the newly created page's settings. I've also looked through the app's settings.
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“转到应用程序”按钮定义了“应用程序配置文件页面” - 不再有这样的东西了。任何(新)应用程序都将无法再拥有该类型的页面。您只需使用您创建的普通页面即可。您可以做的是在您的页面上创建一个选项卡应用程序,该应用程序会重定向到您的实际应用程序。正如OP在下面的评论中所示,我上面的回答具有误导性。
我重新阅读了博客文章编号611中的文章 由OP链接到并在那里声明:
如果您仍然没有看到迁移过程有任何进展,您应该给它大约一周的时间来开始更新。正如您所想象的那样 - 有成百上千的页面正在经历与我们所说的相同的过程。
也就是说,如果您的迁移(一周后)仍未完成,那么您应该提交错误报告(或订阅另一个错误报告;我确信会有一些人遇到问题)。您可以通过此链接了解 Facebook 错误系统的最新信息:
另一个“了解最新动态”的好地方是开发者路线图。所有更改都将在实施之前列出。 (如果发生重大更改,则为 90 天;这意味着可能会导致现有代码无法正常运行的更改)
The "goto app" button was what defined the "application profile page" - there is no such thing anymore. No (new) applications will ever be able to have that type of page again. You'll have to just use your normal page that you created.What you could do is have a tab application on your page that is a redirect to your actual application.As the OP has shown in his comments below, my answer above was misleading.
I re-read the article in the blog post number six hundred and eleven linked to by the OP and it stated there :
If you are still not seeing any progress with your migration process you should give it around a week to start updating. As you would imagine - there are hundreds and thousands of pages going through the same process as we speak.
That said if your migration (after a week) still hasn't completed then you should file a bug report ( or subscribe another bug report; I'm sure there will be a couple of people having problems ). You can stay up to date with Facebook's bug system at this link :
Another great place to "stay in the loop" is the Developers Roadmap. All changes will be listed there well before they are implemented. ( 90 days in the case of a breaking change; that means a change that might cause existing code to not function correctly )