解释 REST 完全独立于 HTTP 和 Web 的好例子
有一天,我向朋友解释 REST 是一种依赖于无状态、客户端-服务器、可缓存通信协议的架构风格。试图说明的一点是,REST 与 HTTP 无关(即使几乎在所有情况下,HTTP 协议都用于设计网络应用程序)。然而,我无法想出一个使用其他协议或 RPC 机制实现 REST 的真实示例。
有谁知道现实世界中的系统在 HTTP 之外的通信机制上实现 REST?
The other day I was explaining my friend that REST is an architecture style that relies on a stateless, client-server, cacheable communications protocol. One of the points was trying to make was the fact that REST has nothing to do with HTTP (even if, virtually in all cases, the HTTP protocol is used for designing networked applications). However, I couldn't come up with single real world example that implement REST using other protocol or RPC mechanism.
Does anyone know a real world system that implements REST on communication mechanism other than HTTP?
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这是一个名为约束应用协议 (CoAP) 的协议。晦涩难懂,毫无疑问。
Here is one called Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP). Obscure, no doubt.
1060 Research 的 Netkernel 实现了一种他们称为面向资源的计算 (ROC) 的架构模型这是 REST 基础原则的概括(状态由参与者之间交换的不可变实体表示)。它主要针对 HTTP,但其 ROC 概念独立于 HTTP。
1060 Research's Netkernel implements an architectural model they call Resource Oriented Computing (ROC) which is a generalization of the principles underlying REST (state is represented in immutable entities exchanged between actors). It is targeted mostly at HTTP, but their ROC concept works independently of it.
AtomPub - Atom 发布协议 - 也基于 REST 原则。请参阅规范。
AtomPub - the The Atom Publishing Protocol - is based on REST principles as well. See the specification.