XML 行集和 MsXML2

发布于 2024-12-29 10:50:42 字数 834 浏览 5 评论 0原文

我有一个使用 Microsoft 行集架构从我的库存控制系统返回的行集。

但是,当使用 msxml2 读取文档时,我似乎无法访问数据(用 vbscript 编写)

        <!-- Schema here -->
        <z:row field="value" field1="value" />


Set objXmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
objXmlHttp.open "POST", address, False
objXmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
objXmlHttp.Send strXml

Set objLst = XML_response.getElementsByTagName("data")
myValue = objLst.item(0).getAttribute("field")


Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required: 'objLst.item(...)' 


I have a rowset coming back using the Microsoft rowset schema from my stock control system.

However when using msxml2 to read the document I don't seem to be able to access the data (Written in vbscript)

        <!-- Schema here -->
        <z:row field="value" field1="value" />

To pull this back I am using:

Set objXmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
objXmlHttp.open "POST", address, False
objXmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
objXmlHttp.Send strXml

Set objLst = XML_response.getElementsByTagName("data")
myValue = objLst.item(0).getAttribute("field")

However I am receiving the following message:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required: 'objLst.item(...)' 

This is probably me doing something totally wrong, if so could someone point it out to me please because I have stared at this for 2 hours now and I can't get it.

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稀香 2025-01-05 10:50:42


SELECT TOP 5 * FROM [actor.txt]
|actor_id|first_name|last_name   |last_update         |
|       1|PENELOPE  |GUINESS     |2/15/2006 4:34:33 AM|
|       2|NICK      |WAHLBERG    |2/15/2006 4:34:33 AM|
|       3|ED        |CHASE       |2/15/2006 4:34:33 AM|
|       4|JENNIFER  |DAVIS       |2/15/2006 4:34:33 AM|
|       5|JOHNNY    |LOLLOBRIGIDA|2/15/2006 4:34:33 AM|

在 ADO(经典,使用版本 2.8 进行测试)可访问数据库中,您
可以使用将结果集保存到 XML 为

  oRS.Save sFSpec, adPersistXML

您提供 XML,如下所示:

<xml xmlns:s='uuid:BDC6E3F0-6DA3-11d1-A2A3-00AA00C14882'
<s:Schema id='RowsetSchema'>
    <s:ElementType name='row' content='eltOnly'>
        <s:AttributeType name='actor_id' rs:number='1' rs:nullable='true' rs:maydefer='true' rs:writeunknown='true'>
            <s:datatype dt:type='i2' dt:maxLength='2' rs:precision='5' rs:fixedlength='true'/>
        <s:AttributeType name='first_name' rs:number='2' rs:nullable='true' rs:maydefer='true' rs:writeunknown='true'>
            <s:datatype dt:type='string' dt:maxLength='45'/>
        <s:AttributeType name='last_name' rs:number='3' rs:nullable='true' rs:maydefer='true' rs:writeunknown='true'>
            <s:datatype dt:type='string' dt:maxLength='45'/>
        <s:AttributeType name='last_update' rs:number='4' rs:nullable='true' rs:maydefer='true' rs:writeunknown='true'>
            <s:datatype dt:type='dateTime' rs:dbtype='variantdate' dt:maxLength='16' rs:fixedlength='true'/>
        <s:extends type='rs:rowbase'/>
    <z:row actor_id='1' first_name='PENELOPE' last_name='GUINESS' last_update='2006-02-15T04:34:33'/>
    <z:row actor_id='2' first_name='NICK' last_name='WAHLBERG' last_update='2006-02-15T04:34:33'/>
    <z:row actor_id='3' first_name='ED' last_name='CHASE' last_update='2006-02-15T04:34:33'/>
    <z:row actor_id='4' first_name='JENNIFER' last_name='DAVIS' last_update='2006-02-15T04:34:33'/>
    <z:row actor_id='5' first_name='JOHNNY' last_name='LOLLOBRIGIDA' last_update='2006-02-15T04:34:33'/>


  Dim oFS    : Set oFS   = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
  Dim sDDir  : sDDir     = oFS.GetAbsolutePathName( "..\Data" )
  Dim sFSpec : sFSpec    = oFS.GetAbsolutePathName( "..\Data\actor.xml" )
  Dim oXDoc  : Set oXDoc = CreateObject("msxml2.domdocument")
  Dim sXPath, ndFnd, ndlFnd, attrX, nIdx
  oXDoc.async             = False
  oXDoc.validateOnParse   = False
  oXDoc.resolveExternals  = False
  oXDoc.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
  oXDoc.setProperty "SelectionNamespaces", Join( Array( _
      "xmlns:s='uuid:BDC6E3F0-6DA3-11d1-A2A3-00AA00C14882'" _
    , "xmlns:dt='uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882'" _
    , "xmlns:rs='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:rowset'" _
    , "xmlns:z='#RowsetSchema'" _
 ), " ")
  If oXDoc.load(sFSpec) Then
     WScript.Echo sFSpec, "looks good."
     For Each sXPath In Array( _
              "/xml" _
            , "/xml/s:Schema" _
            , "/xml/rs:data" _
            , "/xml/rs:data/z:row[@actor_id=""2""]" _
         WScript.Stdout.Write "|" & sXPath & "| => "
         Set ndFnd = oXDoc.selectSingleNode( sXPath )
         If ndFnd Is Nothing Then
            WScript.Stdout.WriteLine "not found"
            WScript.Stdout.WriteLine "found a(n) " & ndFnd.tagName
         End If
     WScript.Echo "-----------------------"

'   <z:row actor_id='1' first_name='PENELOPE' last_name='GUINESS' last_update='2006-02-15T04:34:33'/>
'       ...
     sXPath = "/xml/rs:data/z:row[@actor_id=""3""]"
     Set ndFnd = oXDoc.selectSingleNode( sXPath )
     If ndFnd Is Nothing Then
        WScript.Echo "|", sXPath, "| not found"
        For Each attrX In ndFnd.Attributes
            WScript.Echo attrX.Name, attrX.Value
     End If
     WScript.Echo "-----------------------"

     sXPath = "/xml/rs:data/z:row"
     Set ndlFnd = oXDoc.selectNodes( sXPath )
     If ndlFnd Is Nothing Then
        WScript.Echo "ndlFnd Is Nothing"
        If 0 = ndlFnd.Length Then
           WScript.Echo "ndlFnd is empty"
           For Each ndFnd In ndlFnd
               WScript.Echo TypeName(ndFnd)
               For Each attrX In ndFnd.Attributes
                   WScript.Echo "", attrX.Name, attrX.Value
        End If
     End If
     WScript.Echo "Bingo!"
     WScript.Echo oXDoc.parseError.reason
  End If


  • 对于开发/测试,请避免使用服务器的额外复杂性;
    如果 cscript readxml.vbs 成功,则很容易“移植”工作代码
  • 创建一个msxml2.dom文档
  • 对其进行配置;特别是将命名空间从 xml 标记复制到
  • 加载文件,检查错误
  • 指定您的 XPath 表达式(小心!,尝试将示例中的 XML“翻译”为 XPATH)
  • 检查 .selectSingleNode() 和 .selectNodes() 的结果
  • 访问保存数据的属性

Given a table like:

SELECT TOP 5 * FROM [actor.txt]
|actor_id|first_name|last_name   |last_update         |
|       1|PENELOPE  |GUINESS     |2/15/2006 4:34:33 AM|
|       2|NICK      |WAHLBERG    |2/15/2006 4:34:33 AM|
|       3|ED        |CHASE       |2/15/2006 4:34:33 AM|
|       4|JENNIFER  |DAVIS       |2/15/2006 4:34:33 AM|
|       5|JOHNNY    |LOLLOBRIGIDA|2/15/2006 4:34:33 AM|

in an ADO (classic, tested with version 2.8) accessible database, you
can save the resultset to XML using

  oRS.Save sFSpec, adPersistXML

That gives you XML like:

<xml xmlns:s='uuid:BDC6E3F0-6DA3-11d1-A2A3-00AA00C14882'
<s:Schema id='RowsetSchema'>
    <s:ElementType name='row' content='eltOnly'>
        <s:AttributeType name='actor_id' rs:number='1' rs:nullable='true' rs:maydefer='true' rs:writeunknown='true'>
            <s:datatype dt:type='i2' dt:maxLength='2' rs:precision='5' rs:fixedlength='true'/>
        <s:AttributeType name='first_name' rs:number='2' rs:nullable='true' rs:maydefer='true' rs:writeunknown='true'>
            <s:datatype dt:type='string' dt:maxLength='45'/>
        <s:AttributeType name='last_name' rs:number='3' rs:nullable='true' rs:maydefer='true' rs:writeunknown='true'>
            <s:datatype dt:type='string' dt:maxLength='45'/>
        <s:AttributeType name='last_update' rs:number='4' rs:nullable='true' rs:maydefer='true' rs:writeunknown='true'>
            <s:datatype dt:type='dateTime' rs:dbtype='variantdate' dt:maxLength='16' rs:fixedlength='true'/>
        <s:extends type='rs:rowbase'/>
    <z:row actor_id='1' first_name='PENELOPE' last_name='GUINESS' last_update='2006-02-15T04:34:33'/>
    <z:row actor_id='2' first_name='NICK' last_name='WAHLBERG' last_update='2006-02-15T04:34:33'/>
    <z:row actor_id='3' first_name='ED' last_name='CHASE' last_update='2006-02-15T04:34:33'/>
    <z:row actor_id='4' first_name='JENNIFER' last_name='DAVIS' last_update='2006-02-15T04:34:33'/>
    <z:row actor_id='5' first_name='JOHNNY' last_name='LOLLOBRIGIDA' last_update='2006-02-15T04:34:33'/>

To read that data, start with (local, console) code like:

  Dim oFS    : Set oFS   = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
  Dim sDDir  : sDDir     = oFS.GetAbsolutePathName( "..\Data" )
  Dim sFSpec : sFSpec    = oFS.GetAbsolutePathName( "..\Data\actor.xml" )
  Dim oXDoc  : Set oXDoc = CreateObject("msxml2.domdocument")
  Dim sXPath, ndFnd, ndlFnd, attrX, nIdx
  oXDoc.async             = False
  oXDoc.validateOnParse   = False
  oXDoc.resolveExternals  = False
  oXDoc.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
  oXDoc.setProperty "SelectionNamespaces", Join( Array( _
      "xmlns:s='uuid:BDC6E3F0-6DA3-11d1-A2A3-00AA00C14882'" _
    , "xmlns:dt='uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882'" _
    , "xmlns:rs='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:rowset'" _
    , "xmlns:z='#RowsetSchema'" _
 ), " ")
  If oXDoc.load(sFSpec) Then
     WScript.Echo sFSpec, "looks good."
     For Each sXPath In Array( _
              "/xml" _
            , "/xml/s:Schema" _
            , "/xml/rs:data" _
            , "/xml/rs:data/z:row[@actor_id=""2""]" _
         WScript.Stdout.Write "|" & sXPath & "| => "
         Set ndFnd = oXDoc.selectSingleNode( sXPath )
         If ndFnd Is Nothing Then
            WScript.Stdout.WriteLine "not found"
            WScript.Stdout.WriteLine "found a(n) " & ndFnd.tagName
         End If
     WScript.Echo "-----------------------"

'   <z:row actor_id='1' first_name='PENELOPE' last_name='GUINESS' last_update='2006-02-15T04:34:33'/>
'       ...
     sXPath = "/xml/rs:data/z:row[@actor_id=""3""]"
     Set ndFnd = oXDoc.selectSingleNode( sXPath )
     If ndFnd Is Nothing Then
        WScript.Echo "|", sXPath, "| not found"
        For Each attrX In ndFnd.Attributes
            WScript.Echo attrX.Name, attrX.Value
     End If
     WScript.Echo "-----------------------"

     sXPath = "/xml/rs:data/z:row"
     Set ndlFnd = oXDoc.selectNodes( sXPath )
     If ndlFnd Is Nothing Then
        WScript.Echo "ndlFnd Is Nothing"
        If 0 = ndlFnd.Length Then
           WScript.Echo "ndlFnd is empty"
           For Each ndFnd In ndlFnd
               WScript.Echo TypeName(ndFnd)
               For Each attrX In ndFnd.Attributes
                   WScript.Echo "", attrX.Name, attrX.Value
        End If
     End If
     WScript.Echo "Bingo!"
     WScript.Echo oXDoc.parseError.reason
  End If

The important steps:

  • For developing/testing avoid the extra complexity of using a server;
    if cscript readxml.vbs succeeds, it's easy to 'port' the working code
    to .asp (and deal with server specific problems separately)
  • Create an msxml2.domdocument
  • Configure it; especially copy the namespaces from the xml tag to the
  • Load the file, check for errors
  • Specify your XPath expressions (carefully!, try to 'translate' XML from your sample to XPATH)
  • Check the results of .selectSingleNode() and .selectNodes()
  • Access the attributes holding the data
昔日梦未散 2025-01-05 10:50:42

让我们假设您发布的 XML a) 包含正确的命名空间别名,b) 它已正确加载到 XML_response 中。

现在“正确”的方法是使用 XPath,但是在这种情况下我们可以使用更简单的代码来实现我们的目标。 MSXML(3 或更低版本)中的默认选择语言是 XSL 模式,此选择不理解命名空间别名,因此 的标记名称为“rs:data”而不是“数据”的观点。所以这是你做错的第一件事。

另一件事是 getElementsByTag 返回节点集合,其中仅包含一个节点“rs:data”。您的代码尝试从该节点读取“field”属性,实际上它位于“z:row”的子节点上。


Dim objData: Set objData = XML_response.documentElement.selectSingleNode("rs:data") 

Dim row
Dim fieldVal, field1Val
For Each row in objData.selectNodes("z:row")
     fieldVal = row.getAttribute("field")
     field1Val = row.getAttribute("field1")

     ''# Do stuff with your fields for each row found.

Lets assume the XML you posted a) includes correct namespace aliases and b) that it has loaded in XML_response correctly.

Now the "correct" way to do this is use XPath however we can achieve our goals with simpler code in this case. The default selection language in MSXML (3 or below) is XSL Pattern, this selection doesn't understand namespace aliases, so the <rs:data> has the tag name "rs:data" not "data" from its point of view. So thats the first thing you are doing wrong.

Another thing is that getElementsByTag is returning a collection of nodes, which contains just one node the "rs:data". Your code is trying to read the "field" attribute from that node where in fact it on a child node of "z:row".

Here is what you code should look like:

Dim objData: Set objData = XML_response.documentElement.selectSingleNode("rs:data") 

Dim row
Dim fieldVal, field1Val
For Each row in objData.selectNodes("z:row")
     fieldVal = row.getAttribute("field")
     field1Val = row.getAttribute("field1")

     ''# Do stuff with your fields for each row found.
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