(a) People are allowed to rate again (in the fact, you can always rate again app, but only last rate is stored) (b) They are allowed to rate and write a review (c) Your rating will split to two ratings "current version" and "all versions", older, not updated, ratings will be available in "all versions" section.
-- updated (d) When application has less than 5 ratings for current version, on app page is shown only average rating for "all versions"
(a) 人们可以再次评分(事实上,您始终可以再次对应用程序进行评分,但只存储最后一次评分)
(b) 他们可以评分并撰写评论
(c) 您的评级将分为两个评级“当前版本”和“所有版本”,较旧的、未更新的评级将在“所有版本”部分中提供。
-- 更新
(d) 当应用程序当前版本的评分少于 5 时,应用程序页面上仅显示“所有版本”的平均评分
(a) People are allowed to rate again (in the fact, you can always rate again app, but only last rate is stored)
(b) They are allowed to rate and write a review
(c) Your rating will split to two ratings "current version" and "all versions", older, not updated, ratings will be available in "all versions" section.
-- updated
(d) When application has less than 5 ratings for current version, on app page is shown only average rating for "all versions"