在 iphone sdk 中交换 uiimageviews
我需要一些扑克牌之类的要求。例如,我们有 13 张牌,我们将把它们排成一行。
现在我应该能够手动交换卡片。就像如果我将卡片从位置 8 拖放到位置 4,那么位置 4 的卡片应该移动到位置 5,位置 5 的卡片应该移动到位置 6,位置 4 的卡片应该移动到位置 6。 6应该移动到位置7,位置7的卡应该移动到位置8。
同样,如果我将卡从位置3拖放到位置9,那么位置3的卡应该移动到9,卡在位置 4 的卡应移动到位置 3,位置 5 的卡应移动到位置 4,位置 6 的卡应移动到位置 5,位置 7 的卡应移动到位置 6,位置 8 的卡应移动到位置 7,位置 7 的卡应移动到位置 7。位置 9 应移至位置 8。
I need a requirement like some playing cards.For example we are having 13 cards we will showing them in a line.
Now i should be able to swap the cards manually.Like if i drag the card from position 8 and drop it in position 4 then card in postion 4 should move to position 5 ,card in postion 5 should move to position 6,card in postion 6 should move to position 7,card in postion 7 should move to position 8.
Similarly ,if i drag the card from position 3 and dropped it in position 9 then card in position 3 should move to 9,card in postion 4 should move to position 3,card in postion 5 should move to position 4,card in postion 6 should move to position 5,card in postion 7 should move to position 6,card in postion 8 should move to position 7 and card in postion 9 should move to position 8.
Similarly the process should continue.
Can any one help me.
Thanks in advance.
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http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/ #samplecode/moveme/introduction/intro.html
上面链接的 Apple 的 Move me 示例是一个好的开始。
I don't think there are any easy answers to your question. You would need to create your own custom views and write animation code to solve this problem.
The Move me example from apple linked above is a good start.