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Closed 9 years ago.
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可以深度链接吗?大概。 http://www.chillingeffects.org/linking/faq.cgi
你能抓取吗?可能不会。请参阅有关抓取合法性的相关文章,例如这篇文章:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/ 396778/legalities-of-screen-scraping
从纯粹的技术意义上来说,抓取 HTML 是一件痛苦且高度脆弱的事情。网站可以随意更改其布局,但更大的挑战将是解决来自发出可疑 HTML 代码的源的错误。不能说我推荐它。如果您可以获得 XML 提要,您可能可以避免遭受巨大的伤害。
ObDisc: I'm not a lawyer, and this is not legal advice.
Can you get legal data feeds? Probably. A Google search for "movie showtimes content licensing" turns up services that appear to want your money.
Can you deep-link? Probably. http://www.chillingeffects.org/linking/faq.cgi
Can you scrape? Probably not. See related articles about the legality of scraping, such as this one: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/396778/legalities-of-screen-scraping
In a purely technical sense, scraping HTML is a pain and highly fragile. Sites can change their layout at will, but your bigger challenge will be working around bugs from sources that emit dodgy HTML code. Can't say I recommend it. If you can get an XML feed, you can probably save yourself a world of hurt.
Flixster 有一个适用于当前影院电影的 API 方法:
http://developer.rottentomatoes。 com/docs/read/json/v10/In_Theaters_Movies
Flixster has an API method for current in theater movies:
Terms of service seem to support what you want to do. And it has a bunch of other movie related data for upcoming and older movies!