COM 加载项和 VSTO 加载项之间有什么区别
我正在尝试开发 Outlook 插件,我找到了一个提供商。但是,他们有 2 个产品合二为一(,他们允许使用 VS 2010 和 .Net Framework 4.0 创建 COM 添加(如何这可能吗,我一直认为COM只能在VB6中创建,否则你必须创建一个COM可调用包装器(CCW))。
另一个产品是 VSTO Tools (,它也使用 .Net Framework 4.0,这完全令人困惑。
问候 莫希特·塔克拉
I am trying to develop an addin for outlook, and I found a provider But, they have 2 offerings in one( they allow to create COM add in Using VS 2010 and .Net Framework 4.0 (How is that possible, I always thought COM can only be create in VB6, else You have to create a COM callable Wrapper (CCW)).
The other offering is VSTO Tools (, Which is also using .Net Framework 4.0 and this is totally confusing.
Please help me understand.
Mohit Thakral
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VSTO 使用 COM 包装器 (RCW) 通过托管 API 与 Office 进行通信。不幸的是,直接与 Office 产品通信的唯一已知方法是使用 COM 组件,因为这是 Office 构建的技术。即使使用 VSTO,您仍然必须了解 COM 对象的生命周期 - 它们不会为您封装它(您仍然需要调用
)。Addison-Wesley 所著的 VSTO 2007 书是深入了解 VSTO 的绝佳资源。如果您选择 VSTO 路线 - 您还应该选择 VSTO扩展库 (VSTO_PTExtLibs.exe),它减轻了使用扩展方法的 COM 参数限制的痛苦。
我个人没有发现需要使用 AddIn-Express,但如果您不想投入时间学习 VSTO 框架,您可能会发现它对您有帮助。此选择还取决于解决方案的复杂性以及您可用的时间和资源。
VSTO uses COM wrappers (RCW) to communicate with Office via a managed API. Unfortunately - the only known way to communicate directly with Office products is by using COM components because that is the technology Office is built upon. Even when using VSTO, you still have to be aware of the COM-objects lifetime - they don't encapsulate it for you (you still have to call
).A great resource for learning about VSTO in-depth is VSTO 2007 book by Addison-Wesley. If you go the VSTO route - you should also pickup the VSTO Extension Library (VSTO_PTExtLibs.exe) which eases the pain of COM parameter limitations using extension methods.
I have not personally found a need to use AddIn-Express, but you may find it helps you if you don't want to invest the time in learning the VSTO framework. This choice also depends on the complexity of the solution and the time and resources you have available.