Photoshop 中的缩放热键
今天早些时候,我在 Photoshop 中按一定比例缩放了图层。然后,我从另一个文档中拖入另一个图层,然后意外地按下组合键,该组合键会自动将该图层缩放到我刚刚在上一个图层上输入的相同比例。我不知道我按了什么键来实现这一点,但知道我做了什么肯定会很高兴。
Is there a hotkey that "scale to the same scale that I just scaled"?
I was scaling a layer earlier today by a percentage in photoshop. I then dragged in another layer from another document and then accidentally hit a key combination that automatically scaled that layer to the same scale that I had just entered in on the previous layer. I can't figure out what keys I hit to make this happen, but it sure would be nice to know what i did.
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然而,我相信你按下了 Ctrl + T (PC),这又是变换。编辑->变换->再次变身。它保存最后的变换 - 无论是移动、缩放、旋转(或组合),允许您再次重复变换。
Strictly isn't a question for stack overflow...
However, I do believe you hit Ctrl + T (PC) which is transform again. Edit -> Transform -> Transform again. It saves the last transformation - be it a move, scale, rotation (or combination) allowing you repeat the transformation over once more.
Mac 版 Photoshop 中的缩放热键是 Shift + Option。工作流程如下:
The scale hotkey in Photoshop on a mac is Shift + Option. Here is the workflow:
答案是 Windows 中的 ctrl + T 和 Mac 中的 Command + T
The answer is ctrl + T in windows and Command + T in mac