尝试按照 将 Eclipse 与 Maven 结合使用 上的说明来使用 Scala 和 Lift< /a>:
您需要下载并安装 Eclipse for Java 或 Java EE。
我首先在 Eclipse >lubuntu 11.10 使用 Synaptic 包管理器。
我使用的版本是“Eclipse Platform Version: 3.7.0 Build id: I20110613-1736”。然后说明安装 M2Eclipse:
然后安装 M2Eclipse、Scala IDE 和 M2Eclipse-Scala 插件。
所以我点击了 M2Eclipse 的链接,其中有一个视频说要使用“File>Import”,应该在“导入”窗口中显示包含“其他”的选项列表。这些说明位于视频中的时间戳“00:55”。我的“导入”窗口仅列出“-General -CVS -Install-Pligin -Plugin-Development -Run/Debug -Team”。
In attempting to follow the instructions on Using Eclipse with Maven in order to use Scala and Lift:
You’ll need to download and install Eclipse for Java or Java EE.
I first installed Eclipse on lubuntu 11.10 using the Synaptic Package Mananger.
The version I am using is "Eclipse Platform Version: 3.7.0 Build id: I20110613-1736". Then the instructions say to install M2Eclipse:
Then install the M2Eclipse, Scala IDE, and M2Eclipse-Scala plugins.
So I followed the link to M2Eclipse where there is a video which says to use "File>Import" which should display a list of choices which includes "Other" in the "Import" window. These instructions are at time stamp "00:55" in the video. My "Import" window only lists "-General -CVS -Install-Pligin -Plugin-Development -Run/Debug -Team".
What am I missing?
并非所有 Eclipse 版本都预安装了 Maven2。您可以通过菜单
Help > 检查它是否已安装在 Eclipse 中。关于 Eclipse
。检查是否有带有文本 m2 的图标,或者单击“安装详细信息”并检查“功能”选项卡。安装后,您将在
File > 中看到新选项。导入菜单。
。然后单击添加按钮并添加位置为 http://m2eclipse.sonatype.org/sites/m2e 的站点。等待内容被检索并检查您要安装的项目。Not all Eclipse versions have Maven2 preinstalled. You can check if it is installed in Eclipse via menu
Help > About Eclipse
. Check if there is an icon with the text m2, or alternatively click on "Installation details" and check the "Features" tab.After you've installed it you will have new options in the
File > Import
menu.Install M2Eclipse via menu
Help > Install new software
. Then click on the add button and add a site with location http://m2eclipse.sonatype.org/sites/m2e. Wait until contents are retrieved and check the items you want to install.