我正在 Facebook 上开发一个涉及电子商务交易的应用程序,由于与我的 EV SSL 证书相关的原因,我必须在一个新的、完全安全的窗口中打开我们的计费终端。因此,流程如下:
- 用户选择“新卡”作为付款方式,并输入收件人的送货地址
- 用户单击“下订单”,该命令使用 AJAX 调用来验证地址,如果有效,则将其与数据库同步。
- 如果地址有效(AJAX 成功:function()),并且用户选择“新卡”,则应该使用 window.open 调用打开安全计费终端。
据我了解,大多数现代浏览器(包括 Chrome、Firefox 和 Safari)都应该遍历链以确定源事件是否是用户发起的(在本例中,它是单击事件),但是尽管如此,我似乎无法阻止此弹出窗口被阻止,并且我的用户在弄清楚发生了什么情况时遇到了很大的麻烦。
不幸的是,当弹出窗口被阻止时,Chrome 并不会让它变得那么明显,因此大多数用户不会注意到这一点,并会认为该应用程序只是“损坏”。
[编辑] 这是供参考的代码:
/* -- Step 3: Complete Checkout Click -- */
$('div.finishGroupOrder').live('click', function() {
/* User is Click-Happy? */
if ( $('div#billing-contents div#loader').length ) {
alert('Your order is processing. We know it\'s hard, but please be patient.');
return false;
var paymentMethod = $('input[name="method"]:checked').val(); // Payment Method Selected ( Card on File / New / PayPal )
var secureSession = $(this).attr('secure'); // Secure Session ID
var orderData = { addressSelection: $('input[name="address"]:checked').val(),
price: $('div.price').attr('value') };
/* Form Validation */
switch( orderData.addressSelection ) {
case 'new': // User chose to enter address manually
var allInputs = $('div#new-address').find('input:not(#address2), select');
var validInputs = $('div#new-address').find('input[value!=""]:not(#address2), select[value!=""]');
if ( allInputs.length === validInputs.length ) { // All inputs are valid, capture their contents
var address = { phone: $('input#phone').val(),
address1: $('input#address1').val(),
address2: $('input#address2').val(),
city: $('input#city').val(),
state: $('select#state').val(),
zip: $('input#zipcode').val() };
var validatedAddress = validation.validateAddress(address);
if (validatedAddress) {
address.address1 = validatedAddress.address1;
address.address2 = validatedAddress.address2;
address.city = validatedAddress.city;
address.state = validatedAddress.state;
address.timeOffset = validatedAddress.timeOffset; // Time offset from EST (PST = -3, EST = 0, etc.)
} else {
return false;
} else { // Some inputs are invalid, prompt the user to fix them
allInputs.filter(function() { return ($.inArray( this, validInputs ) > -1) ? false : true; }).addClass('bad-value');
return false;
case 'verified': // User chose to ship to verified address
var address = { address1: 'verified' };
alert('Please choose an address where you want the flowers to be delivered.');
return false;
/* Sync Order With Updated Address Information */
$.ajax({ type: 'POST',
url: location.protocol + '//' + location.host + '/_ajax/order.ajax.php',
data: 'action=update_order&' + $.param( address ),
success: function() {
/* Load Selected Payment Method */
switch( paymentMethod ) {
//case 'paypal': paypal(); break;
case 'member':
case 'newCard':
newGroupOrderDialogActions.payWithCard( secureSession );
还有 newGroupOrderActions.payWithCard()...
/* -- Pay With a New Credit Card -- */
payWithCard: function( session ) {
var windowHeight = 769; // Terminal Height
var windowWidth = 638; // Terminal Width
var w = screen.availWidth; // Available Screen (W)
var h = screen.availHeight; // Available Screen (H)
var top = (h-windowHeight)/2; // Center Positioning
var left = (w-windowWidth)/2; // Center Positioning
/* Open Secure Order Terminal */
var secureTerminal = window.open('https://secure.mydomain.ly/contribute?id=' + session, 'myCompany: Secure Checkout', 'menubar=0,toolbar=0,location=1,resizable=0,scrollbars=1,height='+windowHeight+',width='+windowWidth+',top='+top+',left='+left);
/* Check for Secure Order Terminal Close Event */
var onFinish = setInterval(function() {
try {
if (secureTerminal.closed) { // Window has been unloaded, check the order to see if it has been approved
$.ajax({ type: 'POST',
url: location.protocol + '//' + location.host + '/_ajax/redirect.ajax.php',
data: 'action=group_order_status_redirect',
success: function(redirect) { newGroupOrderDialogActions.publishOrder( redirect ) } // If redirect is not null, order was successful. Redirect to order page
} catch (e) {}
}, 200);
First to clarify, I am trying to open a pop-up in response to a user event.
I am developing an application on Facebook that involves e-commerce transactions, and for reasons related to my EV SSL certificates, I have to open our billing terminal in a new, fully-secure window. As such, the process goes as follows:
- User selects "new card" as payment method and enter's the recipient's shipping address
- User clicks "Place Order," which uses an AJAX call to validate the address, and IF valid, syncs it with the database.
- IF address is valid (AJAX success: function()), and the user selected "new card," then the secure billing terminal is supposed to open using a window.open call.
As I understand it, most modern browsers including Chrome, Firefox, and Safari are supposed to traverse up the chain to determine if the source event was user-initiated (in this case, it was--a click event), however despite this I cannot seem to prevent this pop-up from getting blocked and my users are having a great deal of trouble figuring out what's going on.
Unfortunately Chrome doesn't make it all that noticeable when a pop-up is blocked, so most users will not notice this and will assume that the app is simply "broken."
Any ideas? We're a week from launch and I'm getting desperate...
[EDIT] Here is the code for reference:
/* -- Step 3: Complete Checkout Click -- */
$('div.finishGroupOrder').live('click', function() {
/* User is Click-Happy? */
if ( $('div#billing-contents div#loader').length ) {
alert('Your order is processing. We know it\'s hard, but please be patient.');
return false;
var paymentMethod = $('input[name="method"]:checked').val(); // Payment Method Selected ( Card on File / New / PayPal )
var secureSession = $(this).attr('secure'); // Secure Session ID
var orderData = { addressSelection: $('input[name="address"]:checked').val(),
price: $('div.price').attr('value') };
/* Form Validation */
switch( orderData.addressSelection ) {
case 'new': // User chose to enter address manually
var allInputs = $('div#new-address').find('input:not(#address2), select');
var validInputs = $('div#new-address').find('input[value!=""]:not(#address2), select[value!=""]');
if ( allInputs.length === validInputs.length ) { // All inputs are valid, capture their contents
var address = { phone: $('input#phone').val(),
address1: $('input#address1').val(),
address2: $('input#address2').val(),
city: $('input#city').val(),
state: $('select#state').val(),
zip: $('input#zipcode').val() };
var validatedAddress = validation.validateAddress(address);
if (validatedAddress) {
address.address1 = validatedAddress.address1;
address.address2 = validatedAddress.address2;
address.city = validatedAddress.city;
address.state = validatedAddress.state;
address.timeOffset = validatedAddress.timeOffset; // Time offset from EST (PST = -3, EST = 0, etc.)
} else {
return false;
} else { // Some inputs are invalid, prompt the user to fix them
allInputs.filter(function() { return ($.inArray( this, validInputs ) > -1) ? false : true; }).addClass('bad-value');
return false;
case 'verified': // User chose to ship to verified address
var address = { address1: 'verified' };
alert('Please choose an address where you want the flowers to be delivered.');
return false;
/* Sync Order With Updated Address Information */
$.ajax({ type: 'POST',
url: location.protocol + '//' + location.host + '/_ajax/order.ajax.php',
data: 'action=update_order&' + $.param( address ),
success: function() {
/* Load Selected Payment Method */
switch( paymentMethod ) {
//case 'paypal': paypal(); break;
case 'member':
case 'newCard':
newGroupOrderDialogActions.payWithCard( secureSession );
And the newGroupOrderActions.payWithCard()...
/* -- Pay With a New Credit Card -- */
payWithCard: function( session ) {
var windowHeight = 769; // Terminal Height
var windowWidth = 638; // Terminal Width
var w = screen.availWidth; // Available Screen (W)
var h = screen.availHeight; // Available Screen (H)
var top = (h-windowHeight)/2; // Center Positioning
var left = (w-windowWidth)/2; // Center Positioning
/* Open Secure Order Terminal */
var secureTerminal = window.open('https://secure.mydomain.ly/contribute?id=' + session, 'myCompany: Secure Checkout', 'menubar=0,toolbar=0,location=1,resizable=0,scrollbars=1,height='+windowHeight+',width='+windowWidth+',top='+top+',left='+left);
/* Check for Secure Order Terminal Close Event */
var onFinish = setInterval(function() {
try {
if (secureTerminal.closed) { // Window has been unloaded, check the order to see if it has been approved
$.ajax({ type: 'POST',
url: location.protocol + '//' + location.host + '/_ajax/redirect.ajax.php',
data: 'action=group_order_status_redirect',
success: function(redirect) { newGroupOrderDialogActions.publishOrder( redirect ) } // If redirect is not null, order was successful. Redirect to order page
} catch (e) {}
}, 200);
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