由于重复的 PRIMARY KEY 约束,数据生成计划失败
在 VS2010 数据库项目中,我尝试为具有现有数据的表生成测试数据(通过在提示时单击“否”)。标识列(即主键)是 SQL 计算值,因此我无法更改该列的数据生成器。
In VS2010 database project, I try to generate test data for a table that has existing data (by clicking 'No' when prompted). Identity column (that is the primary key) is SQL computed value so I can not change the data generator for that column.
So why the data generation plan doesn't recognize existing primary key values in the database, but tries always to insert duplicates, i.e., seems that the plan is starting always from the seed value, not from the next available identity column value? Can I force the data generation plan to start from some other seed value for this particular table?
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要回答我的第二个问题:似乎从模式视图来看,我可以设置一些其他种子来开始。不过,我不明白为什么数据生成计划不会自动识别下一个可用的 IDENTITY 值。
To answer my second question: seems that from the schema view, I can set some other seed to start from. Still, I don't understand why the data generation plan doesn't automatically recogzine the next available IDENTITY value.