iPhone 应用因元数据问题被拒绝
我的 iPhone 应用程序因元数据问题而被拒绝。Apple 声明我需要更改支持网址。他们说我需要在 iTunes 连接中对元数据进行相应更改并重新提交。
我为支持电子邮件地址提供了我的电子邮件地址 由于我没有网站,所以我给了苹果主页(www.apple.com)作为支持网址。(我认为这是我搞砸的地方!我在这里输入什么?) 我将另外两个 url 字段留空。
以前有人遇到过这个问题吗? 任何解决方案和评论都将不胜感激。
My iPhone app has been rejected because of Metadata issues.Apple states that i need to make changes to the support urls.They are saying that i need to make corresponding changes in metadata in iTunes connect and resubmit.
I gave my email address for Support Email Address
As i don't have a website i gave apples home page(www.apple.com) as the support url.(I think this is where i botched up!What do i enter here?)
I left the other two url fields empty.
How should i proceed now?
Has anyone encountered this problem before??
Any solutions and comments are greatly appreciated.
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You need a website for support. Grab some cheap hosting, set up a domain with a few static support pages (linking to your support email, preferably), change the metadata, and resubmit.
但是 - 创建一个简单的网站实际上并不那么困难。如果您正在开发 iOS 应用程序,知道如何去做并不是一件坏事:)
如果您想尝试一下,那么请查看 Wordpress。我用它来运行我的 iOS 开发者网站 - 可能花了一天的时间来设置、找到一些便宜的托管等。这可能看起来很多时间,但这是一次学习经历,在我看来绝对值得这样做:)
I have actually seen some apps just listed with a blank website, so looks like Apple is OK with that. e.g your website could be listed as:
But - it's not actually all that hard to create a simple website. If you're developing iOS apps, it's not a bad thing to know how to do :)
If you want to give it a go, then check out Wordpress. I use it to run my iOS developer website - it took maybe a day to set up, find some cheap hosting, etc. That may seem like a lot of time, but it's a learning experience, and definitely worth doing IMO :)
是的,Facebook 页面就可以了。
Apple 使用 Facebook 页面作为支持页面验证了我的应用程序
Yes, a facebook page is OK.
Apple validated my app with a facebook page as support page