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我还没有测试过它,但显然你可以将 Quicktime 动画添加到 pdf 中(不知道为什么)。因此解决方案是将动画 gif 导出到 Quicktime 并将其添加到 pdf 中。
I haven't tested it but apparently you can add quicktime animations to a pdf (no idea why). So the solution would be to export the animated gif to quicktime and add it to the pdf.
Here the solution that apparently works:
See this link (German)
提供 tmp-0.png 到 tmp-34.png
I do it for beamer presentations,
provide tmp-0.png through tmp-34.png
这真的不可能。你可以,但如果你要这样做,如果没有合适的插件,它就会毫无用处。你最好使用其他形式。 PDF 用于向打印机和屏幕进行合并输出,因此如果没有其他资源,动画将无法工作,因此它并不是真正的 PDF。
It's not really possible. You could, but if you're going to it would be useless without appropriate plugins. You'd be better using some other form. PDF's are used to have a consolidated output to printers and the screen, so animations won't work without other resources, and then it's not really a PDF.
您可以使用 Tikz/pgfplots 在投影仪中创建动画。
You can use Tikz/pgfplots for creating animations in beamer.
另一种可能性是 LaTeX + animate 包。您将需要提供制作动画的各个帧。生成的 pdf 不需要任何插件,动画显示在 Adobe reader 中
Another possibility is LaTeX + animate package. You will need to provide the individual frames making the animation. The resulting pdf does NOT require any plugin, the animation is shown in Adobe reader
也许使用 LaTeX 并尝试类似的方法
,其中 Bob3d.u3d 是我拥有的示例虚拟现实文件。这适用于(或确实)电影,我希望它也适用于 gif。
Maybe use LaTeX and try something like this
where Bob3d.u3d is a sample virtual reality file I had. This works (or did) for movies, and I expect it might work for gifs too.
我只需要在客户演示中解决这个问题,并找到一种解决方法,通过制作一个假循环来让 GIF 播放几次。
I just had to figure this out for a client presentation and found a work around to having the GIF play a few times by making a fake loop.
Hope this helps.
从 acrobat pro x 版本开始,可以在工具 > 下添加 gif。从文件插入。但 gif 无法播放,它只显示第一张图像。
As of acrobat pro version x, a gif can be added under Tools > Insert from File. But the gif wont play, it only shows the first image.