如果我有一个图形设计,比如说将 TextEdit 控件作为背景图像,那么从纵向视图更改为横向视图时是否可以拉伸图像?
我来自 WEB,使用 CSS,我可以将背景图片分为 3 部分,并使背景动态拉伸。在 android 环境中是否可能出现这样的情况,或者我应该为每个方向使用不同的布局?
If I got a graphic design for lets say a TextEdit control as a background image, is it possible to stretch the image when changing from portrait to landscape view?
I'm coming from WEB and with CSS where I could divide the background picture to 3 parts and make the background stretch dynamically. Is something like this possible in android environment or should I use different layouts for each orientation?
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您可以通过将不同的图形放入项目中 /res 目录的单独子文件夹中来声明它们。通过命名约定,您的应用程序将自动选择它们。
例如,如果您使用名为 textBackground.png 的背景图像,并且根据方向有两个版本。例如,应用程序默认情况下将使用
http://developer.android.com/guide/topics /resources/providing-resources.html
You can declare different graphics by dropping them in separate sub-folders of the /res directory in your project. By naming convention, your application will pick them up automatically.
For example, if you use a background image called textBackground.png and you have two versions of it depending on orientation. The app will use
by default andres/drawable-land/textBackground.png
when in landscape mode, for example.Check out this doc for the full story: