到目前为止,我已经进行了一些简单的 xy 搜索。使用标准 PIL。但速度太慢了。因为在我的例子中,结果似乎总是更接近(图像)的中心。问题是它不是方形图像,因此中心位置可以是 2 个或更多像素(不是 A 中心,而是“两个”+ 像素居中),这就是我“松散”的地方它”..你能给我一些提示吗?我总是从屏幕截图 PIL-> 开始工作ImageGrab.grab(),使用image.size获取图像大小,以及px=image.getpixel((x, y))要获取当前像素位置,
我正在使用 R、G、B 颜色:if px[0] == r 且 px[1] == g 且 px[2] == b:
I'm trying to figure out how to do a pixel (color) search from the center and out, in a spiral shape.. Not like the normal "left to right pixel search".
So far i've made some simple x-y searches. Using standard PIL. But it was to slow. as the result always seems to be closer to the center (of the image) in my case. The thing is that it's not a square image, so the center position(s) can be 2 or more pixels (not A center, but "two"+ pixels centerd), this is where I "loose it".. Can you peeps give me some hints? Im always working from a screenshot PIL-> ImageGrab.grab(), using image.size to get the image size, and px=image.getpixel((x, y)) to get the current pixel-location
I'm working with R,G,B-colours: if px[0] == r and px[1] == g and px[2] == b:
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请参阅此答案,了解用 python 编写的用于迭代螺旋矩阵的一堆不同算法时尚。
See this answer for a bunch of different algorithms written in python for iterating over a matrix in a spiral fashion.