有没有像 facebook 这样的弹出照片查看器库?
我想通过像 Facebook 照片查看器一样的弹出窗口在我的页面上显示信息图表,而不是仅仅创建一个包含图像的弹出窗口。我只是喜欢弹出窗口与弹出窗口的 UI(无窗口管理)。
是否有一个 jQuery/javascript 库可以完成弹出功能?
我正在尝试模仿 visual.ly,一旦您单击预览图像,就会在弹出窗口中加载信息图。
I would like to display an infographic on my page via a pop out like the facebook photo viewer, rather than just have a popup window be created with the image in it. I just like the UI of a pop out versus a pop up (no window management).
Is there a jQuery/javascript library that accomplishes the pop out functionality?
I'm trying to emulare visual.ly that loads the infographic in a pop out once you click the preview image.
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其中有很多。 <一href="https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ie=UTF-8&ion=1#hl=en&sugexp=pfwl&tok=P jSHQkjRQRsSxiruQyxEdA&cp=1&gs_id=23&xhr=t&q=jQuery%20lightbox&pq=lightbox&pf=p&sclient =psy-ab&qscrl=1&site=webhp&source=hp&pbx=1&oq=jlightbox&aq=0&aqi=g4&aql=&gs_s m=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&fp=2303290c933ce3a0&ion=1&biw=1264&bih=1287" rel="nofollow">在 Google 中搜索“jQuery Lightbox”,至少其中一个应该符合您的需求。
There are a lot of them. Search Google for "jQuery Lightbox" and at least one of them should match your needs.
对于 jQuery,请尝试 fancybox,这是一个灯箱替代品。
For jQuery, try fancybox, a lightbox alternative.
There is also this page which compares different alternatives.
Yoxvew 是一个相当不错的。据我所知,它的缺点是它不允许滚动,所以你不能使用更大的图像。不过,有很多这样的插件。如果它们都不满足您的需求,那么创建您自己的库并不难,或者您可以修改现有的库。
Yoxvew is a pretty good one. The downside to it is as far as I know it does not allow for scrolling, so you can't use larger images. There are a ton of these plugins around though. If none of them fit your needs it isn't too hard to make your own, or you can modify an existing library.
您链接的页面使用 Colorbox.js 查看照片。
The page you link to use Colorbox.js to view photos.
标签来完成。一种是用一些半透明的颜色或图像覆盖整个页面,并且 z 索引大于整个页面。两个的 z 索引大于 1,间隔相关,并且包含您想要显示的任何内容。自己动手并不总是可取的,因为有很多预先编写的替代品指出,例如 fancybox、lightbox 等,但有时了解您的选择是很高兴的。
This can be done simply with two
tags as well. One, which blankets the whole page with some semi transparent color or image and has a z-index larger than the whole page. Two, which has a z-index larger than one, is spaced relevantly, and contains whatever you want to show. Rolling your own isn't always desirable, as there are plenty of pre-written alternatives pointed out such as fancybox, lightbox, etc., but sometimes it is nice to know your options.