发布于 2024-12-28 16:15:18 字数 5275 浏览 3 评论 0原文

我以为我了解左外连接的工作原理,但我遇到了一种不起作用的情况,并且我不能 100% 确定我的查询结构是否不正确,或者是否是数据问题。

作为背景,我有以下 MySQL 表结构:

mysql> describe achievement;
| Field       | Type                 | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id          | varchar(64)          | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| game_id     | varchar(10)          | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| name        | varchar(64)          | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| description | varchar(255)         | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| image_url   | varchar(255)         | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| gamerscore  | smallint(5) unsigned | NO   |     | 0       |       |
| hidden      | tinyint(1)           | NO   |     | 0       |       |
| base_hidden | tinyint(1)           | NO   |     | 0       |       |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> describe gamer_achievement;
| Field          | Type                | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| game_id        | varchar(10)         | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| achievement_id | varchar(64)         | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| gamer_id       | varchar(36)         | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| earned_epoch   | bigint(20) unsigned | NO   |     | 0       |       |
| offline        | tinyint(1)          | NO   |     | 0       |       |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)


| id | game_id    | name                         |
| 1  | 1480656849 | Cluster Buster               |
| 2  | 1480656849 | Star Gazer                   |
| 3  | 1480656849 | Flower Child                 |
| 4  | 1480656849 | Oyster-meister               |
| 5  | 1480656849 | Big Cheese of the South Seas |
| 6  | 1480656849 | Hexic Addict                 |
| 7  | 1480656849 | Collapse Master              |
| 8  | 1480656849 | Survivalist                  |
| 9  | 1480656849 | Tick-Tock Doc                |
| 10 | 1480656849 | Marathon Mogul               |
| 11 | 1480656849 | Millionaire Extraordinaire   |
| 12 | 1480656849 | Grand Pearl Pooh-Bah         |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)


| achievement_id | game_id    | earned_epoch | offline |
| 1              | 1480656849 |            0 |       1 |
| 2              | 1480656849 |            0 |       1 |
| 3              | 1480656849 |            0 |       1 |
| 4              | 1480656849 |   1149789371 |       0 |
| 7              | 1480656849 |   1149800406 |       0 |
| 8              | 1480656849 |            0 |       1 |
| 9              | 1480656849 |   1149794790 |       0 |
| 10             | 1480656849 |   1149792417 |       0 |
8 rows in set (0.02 sec)

achievement 表是“主”表将包含我一直想查看的信息。 gamer_achievement 表仅包含实际获得的成就的信息。对于任何特定玩家的任何特定游戏,gamer_achievement 表中可以有任意数量的行 - 如果该游戏没有获得任何成就,则不包括任何行。例如,在上面的示例数据中,尚未获得 ID 为 5、6、11 和 12 的成就。


select a.id,
from   achievement a 
       LEFT OUTER JOIN gamer_achievement ga 
       ON (a.id = ga.achievement_id and a.game_id = ga.game_id)
where  ga.gamer_id = 'fba8fcaa-f57b-44c6-9431-4ab78605b024' 
       and a.game_id = '1480656849'
order by convert (a.id, unsigned)

但这仅返回实际获得的成就的完整信息 - 右侧表 (gamer_achievement) 中未获得的成就信息未显示为 NULL 值正如我对这种类型的查询所期望的那样。这就是我期待看到的:

| id | name                          | earned_epoch | offline |
| 1  | Cluster Buster                |            0 |       1 |
| 2  | Star Gazer                    |            0 |       1 |
| 3  | Flower Child                  |            0 |       1 |
| 4  | Oyster-meister                |   1149789371 |       0 |
| 5  | Big Cheese of the South Seas  |         NULL |    NULL |
| 6  | Hexic Addict                  |         NULL |    NULL |
| 7  | Collapse Master               |   1149800406 |       0 |
| 8  | Survivalist                   |            0 |       1 |
| 9  | Tick-Tock Doc                 |   1149794790 |       0 |
| 10 | Marathon Mogul                |   1149792417 |       0 |
| 11 | Millionaire Extraordinaire    |         NULL |    NULL |
| 12 | Grand Pearl Pooh-Bah          |         NULL |    NULL |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)


I thought I understood how left outer joins work, but I have a situation that is not working, and I'm not 100% sure if the way I have my query structured is incorrect, or if it's a data issue.

For background, I have the following MySQL table structures:

mysql> describe achievement;
| Field       | Type                 | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id          | varchar(64)          | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| game_id     | varchar(10)          | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| name        | varchar(64)          | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| description | varchar(255)         | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| image_url   | varchar(255)         | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| gamerscore  | smallint(5) unsigned | NO   |     | 0       |       |
| hidden      | tinyint(1)           | NO   |     | 0       |       |
| base_hidden | tinyint(1)           | NO   |     | 0       |       |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> describe gamer_achievement;
| Field          | Type                | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| game_id        | varchar(10)         | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| achievement_id | varchar(64)         | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| gamer_id       | varchar(36)         | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| earned_epoch   | bigint(20) unsigned | NO   |     | 0       |       |
| offline        | tinyint(1)          | NO   |     | 0       |       |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

As for the data, this is what I have populated here (only pertinent columns included for brevity):

| id | game_id    | name                         |
| 1  | 1480656849 | Cluster Buster               |
| 2  | 1480656849 | Star Gazer                   |
| 3  | 1480656849 | Flower Child                 |
| 4  | 1480656849 | Oyster-meister               |
| 5  | 1480656849 | Big Cheese of the South Seas |
| 6  | 1480656849 | Hexic Addict                 |
| 7  | 1480656849 | Collapse Master              |
| 8  | 1480656849 | Survivalist                  |
| 9  | 1480656849 | Tick-Tock Doc                |
| 10 | 1480656849 | Marathon Mogul               |
| 11 | 1480656849 | Millionaire Extraordinaire   |
| 12 | 1480656849 | Grand Pearl Pooh-Bah         |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)


| achievement_id | game_id    | earned_epoch | offline |
| 1              | 1480656849 |            0 |       1 |
| 2              | 1480656849 |            0 |       1 |
| 3              | 1480656849 |            0 |       1 |
| 4              | 1480656849 |   1149789371 |       0 |
| 7              | 1480656849 |   1149800406 |       0 |
| 8              | 1480656849 |            0 |       1 |
| 9              | 1480656849 |   1149794790 |       0 |
| 10             | 1480656849 |   1149792417 |       0 |
8 rows in set (0.02 sec)

In this particular case, the achievement table is the "master" table and will contain the information that I always want to see. The gamer_achievement table only contains information for achievements that are actually earned. For any particular game for any particular gamer, there can be any number of rows in the gamer_achievement table - including none if no achievements have been earned for that game. For example, in the sample data above, achievements with ids 5, 6, 11, and 12 have not been earned.

What I currently have written is

select a.id,
from   achievement a 
       LEFT OUTER JOIN gamer_achievement ga 
       ON (a.id = ga.achievement_id and a.game_id = ga.game_id)
where  ga.gamer_id = 'fba8fcaa-f57b-44c6-9431-4ab78605b024' 
       and a.game_id = '1480656849'
order by convert (a.id, unsigned)

but this is only returning the full information for those achievements that have actually been earned - the unearned achievement information from the right side table (gamer_achievement) is not being show with the NULL values as I would expect from this type of query. This is what I am expecting to see:

| id | name                          | earned_epoch | offline |
| 1  | Cluster Buster                |            0 |       1 |
| 2  | Star Gazer                    |            0 |       1 |
| 3  | Flower Child                  |            0 |       1 |
| 4  | Oyster-meister                |   1149789371 |       0 |
| 5  | Big Cheese of the South Seas  |         NULL |    NULL |
| 6  | Hexic Addict                  |         NULL |    NULL |
| 7  | Collapse Master               |   1149800406 |       0 |
| 8  | Survivalist                   |            0 |       1 |
| 9  | Tick-Tock Doc                 |   1149794790 |       0 |
| 10 | Marathon Mogul                |   1149792417 |       0 |
| 11 | Millionaire Extraordinaire    |         NULL |    NULL |
| 12 | Grand Pearl Pooh-Bah          |         NULL |    NULL |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

What am I missing here? From what I understand, the basic query LOOKS right to me, but I'm obviously missing some piece of critical information.

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漫雪独思 2025-01-04 16:15:18

很多人已经回答了,但我也会尝试并希望提供更多澄清。我一直如何解释它(您可以检查我用左连接回复的许多其他帖子),我尝试从第一个(左侧......因此从左到右阅读)列出我想要的所有内容。然后根据它们之间的条件左连接到“其他”表(右侧)...然后,在进行左连接时,并且右侧表有其他条件,这些条件将保留该连接条件。通过将它们带入“WHERE”子句将意味着 INNER JOIN(必须始终匹配),这不是您想要的...我还尝试始终显示左表 alias.field = 右表 alias.field 以保持相关性清除...然后,将 where 子句应用到您想要从第一个表中获得的基本条件..类似于

      achievement a 
         LEFT OUTER JOIN gamer_achievement ga 
             ON a.id = ga.achievement_id
            AND a.game_id = ga.game_id
            AND ga.gamer_id = 'fba8fcaa-f57b-44c6-9431-4ab78605b024'
      a.game_id = '1480656849'
   order by 
      convert (a.id, unsigned)

注意“a”和“ga”之间通过公共 ID 和游戏 ID 值的直接关系,但随后添加了特定的游戏玩家。 where 子句仅关心基于特定游戏的外部成就级别。

Many have answered, but I'll try too and hopefully lend in some more clarification. How I have always interpreted it (and you can check so many other posts I've responded to with LEFT joins), I try to list the table I want everything from first (left side... hence read from left to right). Then left join to the "Other" table (right side) on whatever the criteria is between them... Then, when doing a left join, and there are additional criteria against the right side table, those conditions would stay with that join condition. By bringing them into the "WHERE" clause would imply an INNER JOIN (must always match) which is not what you want... I also try to always show the left table alias.field = right table alias.field to keep the correlation clear... Then, apply the where clause to the basis criteria you want from the first table.. something like

      achievement a 
         LEFT OUTER JOIN gamer_achievement ga 
             ON a.id = ga.achievement_id
            AND a.game_id = ga.game_id
            AND ga.gamer_id = 'fba8fcaa-f57b-44c6-9431-4ab78605b024'
      a.game_id = '1480656849'
   order by 
      convert (a.id, unsigned)

Notice the direct relation between "a" and "ga" by the common ID and game ID values, but then tacked on the specific gamer. The where clause only cares at the outer level of achievement based on the specific game.

千紇 2025-01-04 16:15:18

在 WHERE 子句中,您将丢弃 LEFT JOIN 会用 NULL 值填充的一些行。您希望将条件 ga.gamer_id = 'fba8fcaa-f57b-44c6-9431-4ab78605b024' 放入 JOIN 子句内。


 LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM gamer_achievement
                   WHERE  ga.gamer_id = 'fba8fcaa-f57b-44c6-9431-4ab78605b024' 
                 ) ga 

记住执行了join,此时如果不能满足条件,就来NULL值;然后应用 where 过滤器。

In the WHERE clause you discard some rows that the LEFT JOIN would have filled with NULL values. You want to put the condition ga.gamer_id = 'fba8fcaa-f57b-44c6-9431-4ab78605b024' inside the JOIN clause.

Another option is:

 LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM gamer_achievement
                   WHERE  ga.gamer_id = 'fba8fcaa-f57b-44c6-9431-4ab78605b024' 
                 ) ga 

Remember that the join is performed, and at this time, NULL values come if the condition cannot be met; then the where filter applies.

魂ガ小子 2025-01-04 16:15:18

WHERE 子句从整个结果集中过滤结果。如果您只想将过滤器应用于 JOIN,则可以将表达式添加到 ON 子句。

在以下查询中,我已将适用于联接表 (ga.gamer_id =) 的筛选表达式从 WHERE 子句移至 ON 子句。这可以防止表达式过滤掉 gamer_achievement 值为 NULL 的行。

SELECT a.id,
FROM   achievement a 
       LEFT OUTER JOIN gamer_achievement ga 
       ON ga.achievement_id = a.id
       AND ga.game_id = a.game_id
       AND ga.gamer_id = 'fba8fcaa-f57b-44c6-9431-4ab78605b024'
       a.game_id = '1480656849'

WHERE clauses filter results from the entire result set. If you want to apply a filter only to the JOIN, then you can add the expression to the ON clause.

In the following query, I've moved the filter expression that applies to the joined table (ga.gamer_id =) from the WHERE clause to the ON clause. This prevents the expression from filtering out rows where gamer_achievement values are NULL.

SELECT a.id,
FROM   achievement a 
       LEFT OUTER JOIN gamer_achievement ga 
       ON ga.achievement_id = a.id
       AND ga.game_id = a.game_id
       AND ga.gamer_id = 'fba8fcaa-f57b-44c6-9431-4ab78605b024'
       a.game_id = '1480656849'
我做我的改变 2025-01-04 16:15:18


where  ga.gamer_id = 'fba8fcaa-f57b-44c6-9431-4ab78605b024'

如果gamer没有获得achievement,则ga.gamer_id值将为NULL code> 且不符合 WHERE 条件。

It's because of this line:

where  ga.gamer_id = 'fba8fcaa-f57b-44c6-9431-4ab78605b024'

If the gamer hasn't earned the achievement, the ga.gamer_id value will be NULL and not qualify for the WHERE condition.

你如我软肋 2025-01-04 16:15:18

我的猜测是,where 子句正在过滤掉您想要的结果,将其移动到左连接可能会起作用。

select a.id, 
from   achievement a  
       LEFT OUTER JOIN gamer_achievement ga  
       ON (a.id = ga.achievement_id and 
           a.game_id = ga.game_id and 
           ga.gamer_id = 'fba8fcaa-f57b-44c6-9431-4ab78605b024' and
           a.game_id = '1480656849') 
order by convert (a.id, unsigned) 

My guess is that the where clause is filtering out your desired results, moving it to the left join may work.

select a.id, 
from   achievement a  
       LEFT OUTER JOIN gamer_achievement ga  
       ON (a.id = ga.achievement_id and 
           a.game_id = ga.game_id and 
           ga.gamer_id = 'fba8fcaa-f57b-44c6-9431-4ab78605b024' and
           a.game_id = '1480656849') 
order by convert (a.id, unsigned) 
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