在非 Xcode iPhone 项目中设置框架 (OpenEars)(使用 Theos 调整 MobileSubstrate)
以下是在 Xcode 中设置 OpenEars 框架的链接:http://www.politepix.com/openears/configuring
但是,我正在使用 Theos 进行调整,因此我需要通过编辑 Theos 生成的 makefile 来手动配置它。 有更多经验的人可以解释一下页面上的每个步骤如何应用到我的上下文中吗?
几乎它说我需要添加 OpenEars 作为目标依赖项,然后链接到 libOpenEarsLibrary.a 和 AudioToolbox.framework 和 AVFoundation.framework 和 libiconv.2.4.0.dylib,添加 OpenEars/CMULibraries/flite-1.4-release/include 和OpenEars/CMULibraries/pocketsphinx-0.6.1/include 和OpenEars/CMULibraries/sphinxbase-0.6.1/include 和 OpenEars/OpenEarsLibrary/Classes/include 到我的标题搜索路径,最后将“Compile for trend”设置为 no。 我可以在 Xcode 中做这些事情,但我不是在这里编辑 Xcode 项目,我只是有一个带有 makefile 的 Theos 项目。那我该怎么办?
Here is the link to setting up the OpenEars framework in Xcode: http://www.politepix.com/openears/configuring
However, I'm making a tweak using Theos, so I need to configure it, manually I suppose, by editing the makefile made by Theos.
Could someone with more experience maybe explain how each of the steps on the page would carry over to my context.
Pretty much it says I need to add OpenEars as a target dependency, then link to libOpenEarsLibrary.a and AudioToolbox.framework and AVFoundation.framework and libiconv.2.4.0.dylib, add OpenEars/CMULibraries/flite-1.4-release/include and OpenEars/CMULibraries/pocketsphinx-0.6.1/include and OpenEars/CMULibraries/sphinxbase-0.6.1/include and OpenEars/OpenEarsLibrary/Classes/include to my header search path, and lastly set "Compile for thumb" to no.
I could do these things in Xcode, but I'm not editing an Xcode project here, I've just got a Theos project with a makefile. So what do I do?
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