我陷入了Kripke 语义,想知道是否有教育软件
- ☐A 来写必然 A
- ♢A ,可能 A
做 burytrue, □false, ♢true, ♢false 评估值,如果是的话,来自哪个集合的值或类型值({true, false} 或可能 {有必要,可能})? [1]
因为 A->B 相当于 ØA<-ØB 让我们测试
它没有必要 赞成
那么没有必要不 earnmoney
并非所有模态的行为都相同,不同的 Kripke 模型
比另一种模态更适合建模一种模态:并非所有Kripke 模型
。 (经典量词也是模态吗?如果是的话,Kripke 模型
- (A->B)->(A->B):
如果(有必要(赚钱意味着纳税)) 那么 ((挣钱的必要性) 意味着 (缴税的必要性))
请注意,挣钱并不意味着缴税,蕴涵 A->B 的虚假性并不影响该公理的真值……
I am stuck on Kripke semantics, and wonder if there is educational software
through which I can test equivalence of statements etc, since Im starting to think its easier to learn by example (even if on abstract variables).
I will use
- ☐A to write necessarily A
- ♢A for possibly A
do ☐true, ☐false, ♢true, ♢false evaluate to values, if so what values or kinds of values from what set ({true, false} or perhaps {necessary,possibly})? [1]
I think I read all Kripke models
use the duality axiom
i.e. if its necessary to paytax
then its not allowed to not paytax
(irrespective of wheither its necessary to pay tax...)
i.e.2. if its necessary to earnmoney
its not allowed to not earnmoney
(again irrespective of wheither earning money is really necessary, the logic holds, so far)
since A->B is equivalent to ¬A<-¬B lets test
its not necessary to upvote
if its allowed to not upvote
this axiom works dually:
If its allowed to earnmoney
then its not necessary to not earnmoney
Not all modalities behave the same, and different Kripke model
are more suitable to model one modalit than another: not all Kripke models
use the same axioms
. (Are classical quantifiers also modalities? if so do Kripke models
allow modeling them?)
I will go through the list of common axioms and try to find examples that make it seem counterintuitive or unnecessary to postulate...
- ☐(A->B)->(☐A->☐B):
if (its necessary that (earningmoney implies payingtaxes))
then ((necessity of earningmoney) implies (necessity of payingtaxes))
note that earning money does not imply paying taxes, the falsehood of the implication A->B does not affect the truth value of the axiom...
urgh its taking too long to phrase my problems in trying to understand it all... feel free to edit
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Java 中的引擎画面:
Modal logic provers and reasoners:
Engine tableau in Java:
Modal logic calculators:
Lectures for practical game implementations of epistemic logic:
Very good phd thesis:
Lectures about modal logic (in action, conflict, games):
Video lectures about modal logic and logic in general:
首先,必然性和可能性的模态运算符根据命题而不是真值进行操作。因此,如果 φ 是一个命题,那么 ψ 和 ♢φ 都是命题。因为 true 和 false 都不是命题,所以 burytrue, ♢true, buryfalse< /em> 和 ♢false 是有意义的符号序列。
I'm not sure whether educational software for teaching relational semantics for modal logics exists. However, I can attempt to answer some of the questions you have asked.
First, the modal operators for necessity and possibility operate on propositions, not truth values. Hence, if φ is a proposition then both ☐φ and ♢φ are propositions. Because neither true nor false are propositions, none of ☐true, ♢true, ☐false, and ♢false are meaningful sequences of symbols.
Second, what you refer to as the "duality axiom" is usually the expression of the interdefinability of the modal operators. It can be introduced as an axiom in an axiomatic development of modal logic or derived as a consequence of the semantics of the modal operators.
Third, the classical quantifiers are not modal operators and don't express modal concepts. In fact, modal logics are generally defined by introducing the modal operators into either propositional or predicate logics. I think your confusion arises because the semantics of modal operators appears similar to the semantics of quantifiers. For instance, the semantics of the necessity operator appears similar to the semantics of the universal quantifier:
A similarity is seen when comparing the possibility operator with the existential quantifier. In fact, the modal operators can be defined as quantifiers over possible worlds. As far as I know, the converse isn't true.