检测 JComboBox 编辑
我有一个 JComboBox,每秒一次,我想从数据库中检索一组字符串,并将这些字符串设置为 JComboBox 的内容,并将其中一个作为当前选定的值。但我还希望用户能够编辑 JComboBox 并向数据库添加值并将其设置为当前值。
我希望能够检测何时将字符输入 JComboBox,因此我可以重置倒计时,只要它不为零,就可以防止更新 JComboBox。我的第一反应是使用 KeyListener,但是组合框的 Java 教程是这样说的,
虽然 JComboBox 继承了注册监听器的方法 低级事件——例如焦点、按键和鼠标事件——我们 建议您不要侦听组合框上的低级事件。
I have a JComboBox, once every second I want to retreive a set of strings from a database and set those strings to the contents of the JComboBox, and one of them as the currently selected value. But I also want the user to be able to edit the JComboBox and add a value to the database and set it as the current value.
I want to the be able to detect when characters are entered into the JComboBox, so I can reset a count down which prevents updating the JComboBox as long as it's not zero. My first instinct was to use a KeyListener but the Java tutorial on combo boxes says this,
Although JComboBox inherits methods to register listeners for
low-level events — focus, key, and mouse events, for example — we
recommend that you don't listen for low-level events on a combo box.
And they go on to say that the events fired may change depending on the look and feel.
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对于从 JComboBox 中键入/删除的每个字符,都应该调用这些 *Update(DocumentEvent documentEvent) 方法。
This is a little dicey, but it should work to listen to the Document updates on the Editor component (A JTextField).
Those *Update(DocumentEvent documentEvent) methods should get called for every character typed/deleted from the JComboBox.
我想补充一点,changedUpdate 方法不会触发纯文本文档的通知。如果您使用纯文本文本组件,则必须使用 insertUpdate 和/或 removeUpdate。
I would like to add that the changedUpdate method will not fire a notification for plain text documents. If you are using a plain text text component, you must use insertUpdate and/or removeUpdate.
I recently had to use a document listener as a way of disabling/enabling a button if the user was editing the combo box. I did something like this and worked very well:
Then, I added this listener to the combo box like this:
This works because the document associated with the combo box is plain text. When I used changedUpdate it did not.