ddd 调试器:是否需要在 CygWin 中构建 exe?
在 Windows 上,我通常使用 VC 编译器和我自己手工制作的 makefile 在 Windows 命令提示符下构建 exe。我正在考虑过渡到 g++。为了消除对 MSVC 的依赖,我正在考虑安装 CygWin/X 并利用 ddd 调试器。我的问题是:然后我是否必须完全转换到 CygWin 终端,或者我可以像现在一样继续在 Windows 命令提示符中并将我完成的 Windows exe 呈现给 ddd
On Windows I normally build my exe in a Windows command prompt with the VC Compiler and my own hand crafted makefile. I was thinking of transitioning to g++. To remove my dependency on MSVC I was thinking of installing CygWin/X and to avail of the ddd debugger. My question is: Will I then have to transition completely to the CygWin terminal or can I continue in the Windows command prompt as I am now and present my finished Windows exes to ddd
(somehow) ?!
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ddd 调试器:是否需要在 CygWin 中构建 exe? - 是的。 msvc 编译器与 gdb(cygwin) 和 ddd 不兼容。
ddd debugger: Does exe need to be built within CygWin? - YES. msvc compiler not compatible with gdb(cygwin) and ddd.