I've found a few ways of reducing noise from image, but my task is to measure it.
So I am interested in algorithm that will give me some number, noise rating. That with that number I will be able to say that one image has less noise than others.
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从图像处理的角度,可以参考经典论文《图像质量评估:从错误可见性到结构相似性”发表在IEEE Transaction on Image Processing上,根据Google Scholar,该文章已被引用3000+次。其基本思想是人类的视觉感知系统对结构相似性高度敏感。然而,噪声(或失真)常常破坏这种相似性。因此,作者试图基于这一动机提出一种客观图像质量测量方法。您可以在此处找到 MATLAB 中的实现。
From a view of image processing, you can consult the classic paper "Image quality assessment: From error visibility to structural similarity" published in IEEE Transaction on Image Processing, which has already been cited 3000+ times according to Google Scholar. The basic idea is human's visual perception system is highly sensitive to structural similarity. However, noise (or distortion) often breaks such similarity. Therefore the authors tried to propose an objective measurement for image quality based on this motivation. You can find an implementation in MATLAB here.
To solve my problem I used next approach:
My noise rating is just number of pixels that were recognized as noise. To differentiate normal pixels from noise, I just calculated the medium value of its neighbor pixels and if its value was bigger than some critical value, we say that this one is noise.