Java 无法识别字符串“-1”直线方程程序。检查“方程”动作命令

发布于 2024-12-28 09:54:17 字数 8382 浏览 2 评论 0原文

我的 Java 程序无法正确处理字符串中的 -1。它会跳过我在 e.getActionCommand() 中用于“方程”的所有 if 语句。我尝试从字符串创建字符数组并处理字符[0],但这也不起作用。

    if ("equation".equals(e.getActionCommand()))
        if (interceptB != "0" && slopeX == "1")
            if (strIntercept != "")
                String slash = "[/]";
                String[] slashedUp = interceptB.split(slash);
                float numer = new Float(slashedUp[0]);
                float  denomer = new Float(slashedUp[1]);
                float fl = numer / denomer;
                String minus = "[-]";
                String[] splitUp = interceptB.split(minus);
                if (fl > 0)
                    textEquation.setText("y = x + " + interceptB);
                else if (fl < 0)
                    textEquation.setText("y = x - " + splitUp[1]);

                float numb = new Float(interceptB);
                String minus = "[-]";
                String[] splitUp = interceptB.split(minus);
                if (numb > 0)
                    textEquation.setText("y = x + " + interceptB);
                else if (numb < 0)
                    textEquation.setText("y = x - " + splitUp[1]);
        else if (interceptB != "0" && slopeX == "-1")
            if (strIntercept != "")
                String slash = "[/]";
                String[] slashedUp = interceptB.split(slash);
                float numer = new Float(slashedUp[0]);
                float  denomer = new Float(slashedUp[1]);
                float fl = numer / denomer;
                String minus = "[-]";
                String[] splitUp = interceptB.split(minus);
                if (fl > 0)
                    textEquation.setText("y = -x + " + interceptB);
                else if (fl < 0)
                    textEquation.setText("y = -x - " + splitUp[1]);

                float numb = new Float(interceptB);
                String minus = "[-]";
                String[] splitUp = interceptB.split(minus);
                if (numb > 0)
                    textEquation.setText("y = -x + " + interceptB);
                else if (numb < 0)
                    textEquation.setText("y = -x - " + splitUp[1]);
        else if (slopeX != "0" && interceptB == "0")
            if (slopeX == "1")
                textEquation.setText("y = x");
            else if (slopeX == "-1")
                textEquation.setText("y = -x");
                textEquation.setText("y = " + slopeX + "x");
        else if (slopeX == "0" && interceptB != "0")
            textEquation.setText("y = " + interceptB);
            if (strIntercept != "")
                String slash = "[/]";
                String[] slashedUp = interceptB.split(slash);
                float numer = new Float(slashedUp[0]);
                float  denomer = new Float(slashedUp[1]);
                float fl = numer / denomer;
                String minus = "[-]";
                String[] splitUp = interceptB.split(minus);
                if (fl > 0)
                    textEquation.setText("y = " + slopeX + "x" + " + " + interceptB);
                else if (fl < 0)
                    textEquation.setText("y = " + slopeX + "x" + " - " + splitUp[1]);

                float numb = new Float(interceptB);
                String minus = "[-]";
                String[] splitUp = interceptB.split(minus);
                if (numb > 0)
                    textEquation.setText("y = " + slopeX + "x" + " + " + interceptB);
                else if (numb < 0)
                    textEquation.setText("y = " + slopeX + "x" + " - " + splitUp[1]);
    if ("reset".equals(e.getActionCommand()))
        firstPoint = null; 
        secondPoint = null; 
        slope = null;
        totalSlope = null;
        strIntercept = null; 
        slopeX = null; 
        interceptB = null;
        x1 = 0; 
        x2 = 0; 
        y1 = 0;
        y2 = 0; 
        slopex = 0; 
        slopey = 0; 
        simplifiedSlope = 0; 
        mx = 0; 
        totalMx = 0; 
        intercept = 0; 
        ySide = 0; 
        totalY = 0;

public void GetFirstPoint()
    firstPoint = textField1.getText();
    String comma = "[,]";
    String[] x1Y1 = firstPoint.split(comma);
    x1 = new Float(x1Y1[0]);
    y1 = new Float(x1Y1[1]);

public void GetSecondPoint()
    secondPoint = textField2.getText();
    String comma = "[,]";
    String[] x2y2 = secondPoint.split(comma);
    x2 = new Float(x2y2[0]);
    y2 = new Float(x2y2[1]);

public void GetSlope()
    slopey = y2 - y1;
    slopex = x2 - x1;

    if (slopey < 0 && slopex < 0)
        slopey = -slopey;
        slopex = -slopex;
    if (slopex < 0)
        slopey = -slopey;
        slopex = -slopex;
    int slopeGCF = calcGCF(slopey, slopex);

    if (slopey % slopex == 0)
        simplifiedSlope = (int)slopey/(int)slopex;
        totalSlope = "";
    else if (slopey % slopex != 0 && slopeGCF > 0)
        slopey = slopey / slopeGCF;
        slopex = slopex / slopeGCF;
        String slopeY = RoundUp(slopey);
        String slopeX = RoundUp(slopex);
        totalSlope = slopeY + "/" + slopeX;
        String slopeY = RoundUp(slopey);
        String slopeX = RoundUp(slopex);
        totalSlope = slopeY + "/" + slopeX;

public void GetIntercept()
    if (totalSlope == "")
        mx = simplifiedSlope * x1;
        intercept = y1 - mx;
        strIntercept = "";

    else if (totalSlope != "")
        mx = slopey * x1;

        if (mx % slopex == 0)
            totalMx = mx / slopex;
            intercept = y1 - totalMx;
            strIntercept = "";
            ySide = y1 * slopex;
            totalY = ySide - mx;
            float interceptGCF = calcGCF(totalY, slopex);
            float ceptGCFx = 0;
            float ceptGCFy = 0;
            if (totalY % slopex == 0)
                intercept = (int)totalY / (int)slopex;
                strIntercept = "";

            else if (totalY % slopex != 0 && interceptGCF > 0)
                ceptGCFy = totalY / interceptGCF;
                ceptGCFx = slopex / interceptGCF;
                strIntercept = RoundUp(ceptGCFy) + "/" + RoundUp(ceptGCFx);
                strIntercept = RoundUp(totalY) + "/" + RoundUp(slopex);

public int calcGCF(float num, float denom)
    float s;

    if (num < 0)
        num = -num;

    else if (denom < 0)
        denom = -denom;

    if (num > denom)
        s = denom;

        s = num;

    if (s > 0)
        for (float i = s; i > 0; i--)
            if ((num % i == 0) && (denom % i == 0))
                return (int)i;
    return -1;

public String RoundUp(float f)
    int i = (int)f;
    String valToStore = (i==f) ? String.valueOf(i) : String.valueOf(f);
    return valToStore;

My Java progpram won't process -1 in a string correctly. It skips through all those if statements I have in the e.getActionCommand() for "equation". I tried making a character array from the string and processing character[0] and that didn't work either.

    if ("equation".equals(e.getActionCommand()))
        if (interceptB != "0" && slopeX == "1")
            if (strIntercept != "")
                String slash = "[/]";
                String[] slashedUp = interceptB.split(slash);
                float numer = new Float(slashedUp[0]);
                float  denomer = new Float(slashedUp[1]);
                float fl = numer / denomer;
                String minus = "[-]";
                String[] splitUp = interceptB.split(minus);
                if (fl > 0)
                    textEquation.setText("y = x + " + interceptB);
                else if (fl < 0)
                    textEquation.setText("y = x - " + splitUp[1]);

                float numb = new Float(interceptB);
                String minus = "[-]";
                String[] splitUp = interceptB.split(minus);
                if (numb > 0)
                    textEquation.setText("y = x + " + interceptB);
                else if (numb < 0)
                    textEquation.setText("y = x - " + splitUp[1]);
        else if (interceptB != "0" && slopeX == "-1")
            if (strIntercept != "")
                String slash = "[/]";
                String[] slashedUp = interceptB.split(slash);
                float numer = new Float(slashedUp[0]);
                float  denomer = new Float(slashedUp[1]);
                float fl = numer / denomer;
                String minus = "[-]";
                String[] splitUp = interceptB.split(minus);
                if (fl > 0)
                    textEquation.setText("y = -x + " + interceptB);
                else if (fl < 0)
                    textEquation.setText("y = -x - " + splitUp[1]);

                float numb = new Float(interceptB);
                String minus = "[-]";
                String[] splitUp = interceptB.split(minus);
                if (numb > 0)
                    textEquation.setText("y = -x + " + interceptB);
                else if (numb < 0)
                    textEquation.setText("y = -x - " + splitUp[1]);
        else if (slopeX != "0" && interceptB == "0")
            if (slopeX == "1")
                textEquation.setText("y = x");
            else if (slopeX == "-1")
                textEquation.setText("y = -x");
                textEquation.setText("y = " + slopeX + "x");
        else if (slopeX == "0" && interceptB != "0")
            textEquation.setText("y = " + interceptB);
            if (strIntercept != "")
                String slash = "[/]";
                String[] slashedUp = interceptB.split(slash);
                float numer = new Float(slashedUp[0]);
                float  denomer = new Float(slashedUp[1]);
                float fl = numer / denomer;
                String minus = "[-]";
                String[] splitUp = interceptB.split(minus);
                if (fl > 0)
                    textEquation.setText("y = " + slopeX + "x" + " + " + interceptB);
                else if (fl < 0)
                    textEquation.setText("y = " + slopeX + "x" + " - " + splitUp[1]);

                float numb = new Float(interceptB);
                String minus = "[-]";
                String[] splitUp = interceptB.split(minus);
                if (numb > 0)
                    textEquation.setText("y = " + slopeX + "x" + " + " + interceptB);
                else if (numb < 0)
                    textEquation.setText("y = " + slopeX + "x" + " - " + splitUp[1]);
    if ("reset".equals(e.getActionCommand()))
        firstPoint = null; 
        secondPoint = null; 
        slope = null;
        totalSlope = null;
        strIntercept = null; 
        slopeX = null; 
        interceptB = null;
        x1 = 0; 
        x2 = 0; 
        y1 = 0;
        y2 = 0; 
        slopex = 0; 
        slopey = 0; 
        simplifiedSlope = 0; 
        mx = 0; 
        totalMx = 0; 
        intercept = 0; 
        ySide = 0; 
        totalY = 0;

public void GetFirstPoint()
    firstPoint = textField1.getText();
    String comma = "[,]";
    String[] x1Y1 = firstPoint.split(comma);
    x1 = new Float(x1Y1[0]);
    y1 = new Float(x1Y1[1]);

public void GetSecondPoint()
    secondPoint = textField2.getText();
    String comma = "[,]";
    String[] x2y2 = secondPoint.split(comma);
    x2 = new Float(x2y2[0]);
    y2 = new Float(x2y2[1]);

public void GetSlope()
    slopey = y2 - y1;
    slopex = x2 - x1;

    if (slopey < 0 && slopex < 0)
        slopey = -slopey;
        slopex = -slopex;
    if (slopex < 0)
        slopey = -slopey;
        slopex = -slopex;
    int slopeGCF = calcGCF(slopey, slopex);

    if (slopey % slopex == 0)
        simplifiedSlope = (int)slopey/(int)slopex;
        totalSlope = "";
    else if (slopey % slopex != 0 && slopeGCF > 0)
        slopey = slopey / slopeGCF;
        slopex = slopex / slopeGCF;
        String slopeY = RoundUp(slopey);
        String slopeX = RoundUp(slopex);
        totalSlope = slopeY + "/" + slopeX;
        String slopeY = RoundUp(slopey);
        String slopeX = RoundUp(slopex);
        totalSlope = slopeY + "/" + slopeX;

public void GetIntercept()
    if (totalSlope == "")
        mx = simplifiedSlope * x1;
        intercept = y1 - mx;
        strIntercept = "";

    else if (totalSlope != "")
        mx = slopey * x1;

        if (mx % slopex == 0)
            totalMx = mx / slopex;
            intercept = y1 - totalMx;
            strIntercept = "";
            ySide = y1 * slopex;
            totalY = ySide - mx;
            float interceptGCF = calcGCF(totalY, slopex);
            float ceptGCFx = 0;
            float ceptGCFy = 0;
            if (totalY % slopex == 0)
                intercept = (int)totalY / (int)slopex;
                strIntercept = "";

            else if (totalY % slopex != 0 && interceptGCF > 0)
                ceptGCFy = totalY / interceptGCF;
                ceptGCFx = slopex / interceptGCF;
                strIntercept = RoundUp(ceptGCFy) + "/" + RoundUp(ceptGCFx);
                strIntercept = RoundUp(totalY) + "/" + RoundUp(slopex);

public int calcGCF(float num, float denom)
    float s;

    if (num < 0)
        num = -num;

    else if (denom < 0)
        denom = -denom;

    if (num > denom)
        s = denom;

        s = num;

    if (s > 0)
        for (float i = s; i > 0; i--)
            if ((num % i == 0) && (denom % i == 0))
                return (int)i;
    return -1;

public String RoundUp(float f)
    int i = (int)f;
    String valToStore = (i==f) ? String.valueOf(i) : String.valueOf(f);
    return valToStore;

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眼眸里的快感 2025-01-04 09:54:17

字符串比较应使用 "foo".equals(s),而不是 ==


String comparisons should use "foo".equals(s), not ==.

(You have a lot of refactoring possibilities; it'd make the code much easier to reason about.)

泛泛之交 2025-01-04 09:54:17

使用 String.equals() 而不是 == 来比较字符串。如果所有字符串在编译时或内部都已知,则与 == 的比较可能会成功,但通常不会成功,因为 == 比较对象引用而不是内容。

Use String.equals() instead of == to compare strings. If all strings are known at compile time, or interned, comparison with ==may succeeed, but in general it doesn't, because == compares the object references and not the contents.

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