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就 gems 而言, apipie-rails 很好。它本身不会自动检测更改,但它确实有一个简单的注释性语法。您可以根据测试自动生成文档,并且它为重复使用的参数组等内容提供了一些 DRY 帮助。
现在,我们来看看完全不同的东西...... apiary 为您提供了很多基于 Markdown 蓝图的好东西您的 API(维护在您的存储库的根目录中)。考虑到养蜂场然后提供文档、代码示例、社区评论,甚至如果您需要的话,还可以提供代理 API 服务器,维护蓝图并不是一个可怕的代价。
As far as gems are concerned, apipie-rails is nice. It won't automatically detect changes per se, but it does have a simple, annotative syntax. You can generate documentation automatically based on your tests, and it has provides some DRY help for things like param groups that are used repeatedly.
And now for something completely different... apiary gives you a lot of goodies based on a markdown blueprint of your API (maintained at the root of your repo). Maintaining the blueprint isn't a terrible price to pay considering apiary then provides documentation, code samples, community commenting, and even a proxy API server if you want.
这是我所知道的最接近的东西,但它不是一个附加的 gem,而是一个用于构建 API 的工具,其中包含文档:
This is the closest thing I'm aware of, but it's less of an add-on gem and more of a tool for building your API with documentation baked in: https://github.com/mattetti/Weasel-Diesel