将 rman 备份日志文件保存到网络位置
已尝试过假脱机,已尝试过命令行符号: log \\networked_location\rman.log
没有任何方法可以让 rman 将其自己的日志文件保存到网络位置。可以将它们在线保存在正在备份的数据库中,但希望将其与发送到网络位置的实际备份一起保存。
11g,使用 FRA,无目录。只需备份一个数据库,不需要目录。
Windows Scheduler 运行 .bat 来获取 .rcv
有人知道让 rman 可靠地将日志文件放置到网络位置的技巧吗?显而易见的方法不起作用......
Have tried spooling, have tried command line notation: log \\networked_location\rman.log
Nothing works to get rman to save its own log files to a networked location. can save them online within the db it is backing up, but want to save then with the actual backups that go to a networked location.
11g, using FRA with no catalog. Just one db to backup, don't feel the need for a catalog.
Windows Scheduler runs the .bat to pick up the .rcv
Anyone know the trick to get rman to reliably place log files onto a networked location? The obvious does not work....
Appreciate any help offered.
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Try mapping that location as a network drive.