我正在使用 dropkick.js 来设置选择菜单的样式。当您单击菜单之外的任何位置时,我试图关闭菜单。但removeClass()(和document.click())仅适用于firefox。在 webkit 中,单击外部或文档中的其他任何位置都不会关闭菜单。
删除“.dk_open”和“.dk_focus”类会将元素返回到 display:none
$('.wpcf7 select').dropkick();
var $dkopen = $('.dk_open');
$dkopen.removeClass('dk_open dk_focus');
I'm using dropkick.js to style a select menu. I am trying to make the menu close when you click anywhere outside of the menu. But the removeClass() ( and the document.click() ) are only working on firefox. In webkit, the menu does not close by clicking outside or anywhere else in the document.
Removing the ".dk_open" and ".dk_focus" classes returns the element back to display:none
, thereby hiding the menu.
Does anyone see anything that might be causing this inconsistency? Thanks!
$('.wpcf7 select').dropkick();
var $dkopen = $('.dk_open');
$dkopen.removeClass('dk_open dk_focus');
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您需要为每个选择添加 tabindex。之后它就会起作用。
You need to add tabindex to each select. After that it will work.
Good luck!
This could use some cleaning up but it worked to solve the issue of drop downs not closing as expected to match native select functionality.
Added the last event handler to close any open drop downs when selecting another.
I don't know if this is the cause of your problem, but you should try to add a reference to the event in your click function:
这是讨论此问题的相关链接: https://github.com/JamieLottering/DropKick/issues/ 45
您的解决方案(Corey Aubuchon)确实“有效”...因为:
我不是 JS 开发人员,我只是将此处找到的解决方案与引用链接中的解决方案结合起来,形成一些没有给出的内容不管怎样,它确实有效。
无论如何,试试这个...这个适用于 Chrome、IE、+ FF(在任何情况下,您都可以单击内部或外部)它会起作用:)
Just faced the same issue.
Here is a relevant link talking about this: https://github.com/JamieLottering/DropKick/issues/45
Your solution (Corey Aubuchon) does 'work'... in that:
When you click 'Outside' the dropdown, it DOES close...However...
Now, when you click 'Inside' the dropdown (which would be clicking on: "dk_container' or 'dk_toggle') — the dropdown DOES NOT close...
(And, I'm not talking about selecting an 'option' here, what I'm talking about clicking on the same 'down' arrow you click to see the options in the first place)
I'm not a JS developer, I merely combined the solution found here, with the solution from the referenced link, into something that did not give me errors. Somehow it worked though.
Anyway, Try this instead...this works in Chrome, IE, + FF (you can click inside or outside, in every case it will work :)
..or... if you prefer... This is the NOT minified version: