用于撕掉面板支持的 Eclipse 插件
是否有 Eclipse 插件,我可以将面板从主窗口中分离出来,以便我可以在单独的监视器上查看它们?
Visual Studio 2010 本身支持此功能。
Is there a plugin for Eclipse where I can tear panels out of the main window so I can view them on a separate monitor?
Visual Studio 2010 supports this feature natively.
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您不需要为此使用插件 - Eclipse 默认支持它。您可以使用除主编辑器窗口*(例如 Java 文本编辑器)之外的所有内容来完成此操作。
只需右键单击任何视图,然后单击“分离”。从那里,您可以将其移动到桌面上的任何位置 - 包括附加显示器。
*如果您想打开多个编辑器窗口,请使用“窗口”/“新建窗口”。这将生成一个新窗口,其中包括一个新的主编辑器窗口,以及一组默认的视图,这些视图也可以自定义或分离等。(我同意,这不是最理想的,但它可以满足我的需要。)有关此问题的更多详细信息,请访问 https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=8886 - 这似乎表明这在 4.1 中得到了进一步的改进(还不是主流)。
You don't need a plugin for this - Eclipse supports it by default. You can do it with everything but the main editor window* (the Java text editor, for example).
Simply right-click on any view, then click "Detached". From there, you can move it anywhere across your desktop - including additional monitors.
This will actually create a new floating panel / view group. You can drag add or drag additional views into this same view group, if you'd prefer to have only one detached group to keep track of instead of many.
*If you want to open multiple editor windows, use Window / New Window. This will produce a new window that includes a new main editor window, as well as a default set of views that can also be customized or detached, etc. (I agree, it's not the most ideal, but it works for my needs.) Additional details concerning this are available at https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=8886 - which seems to indicate that this has been further improved in 4.1 (not yet mainstream).