HTML 表单自动填充 JavaScript 变量?
我正在为我的网站开发一个网络跟踪器,我传输数据的方式之一是在页面加载时自动填充表单数据,并使用 JavaScript 查询来填充每个字段......
我只需要以下字符串要从表单传输到另一个 php 脚本的文本.....
表单(以及页面加载时收集的数据)隐藏在不可见的 iframe 中,以便它可以完成其任务在后台工作....
我需要主页(而不是 iframe)的 url自动插入到表单字段之一......
<iframe src="/track/track.html?events" height="500" width="500" scrolling="no" border="0"></iframe>
我知道我说的是不可见的 iframe, 500x500 大小是这样我可以在开发时看到幕后......
然后在 iframe 中我的代码是:
$my_t = getdate(date("U"));
<form action="/track/location.php" method="post">
<input type="text" name="time" value="<?php echo "$my_t[weekday], $my_t[month] $my_t[mday], $my_t[year] - $my_t[hours]:$my_t[minutes]:$my_t[seconds]" ?>">
<input type="text" name="ip" value="<?php echo $ip ?>">
// script A //
<script type="text/javascript">
// end script A //
// script B //
var url = ['alert('];
document.write("<input type=\"text\" name=\"url\" value=\"" + url + "\">");
// end script B //
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">
脚本 A 将生成文本“?events”的语句,其中插入为“document.write”
脚本 B 将生成带有文本的文本框“alert(”预先插入为一个值......这就是我想要的......
我基本上需要能够组合脚本 a 和 b,以便它会写入 (文本框中的数据(“?events”)而不是纯文本java命令....
i am developing a web tracker for my site, and one of the ways i am transferring data, is by auto-filling form data on page load, with javascript queries being used to fill each field.....
i just need strings of text to be transferred from the form to another php script.....
this side of it is easy.....
the form ( and data collected on page load ) is hidden in an invisible iframe, so that it can do its work in the background....
i need the url of the main page (not the iframe) to be auto inserted into one of the form fields.....
heres what i have so far,,,,
this is the code that is displayed on parent page (in this example "events"):
<iframe src="/track/track.html?events" height="500" width="500" scrolling="no" border="0"></iframe>
i know i said invisible iframe, the 500x500 size is so i can see behind the scenes while developing....
then in the iframe the code i have is :
$my_t = getdate(date("U"));
<form action="/track/location.php" method="post">
<input type="text" name="time" value="<?php echo "$my_t[weekday], $my_t[month] $my_t[mday], $my_t[year] - $my_t[hours]:$my_t[minutes]:$my_t[seconds]" ?>">
<input type="text" name="ip" value="<?php echo $ip ?>">
// script A //
<script type="text/javascript">
// end script A //
// script B //
var url = ['alert('];
document.write("<input type=\"text\" name=\"url\" value=\"" + url + "\">");
// end script B //
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">
script A will produce a statement of text "?events" where inserted as "document.write"
script B will produce a text box with the text "alert(" pre inserted as a value.... which is kind of what i want.....
i basically need to be able to combine script a and b so that it will write the ( data ("?events") in the text box instead of the plain text java command....
i will be very greatful if anyone can help me, thanks in advance guys :)
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