寻找 «instance (Enum a, Bounded a) => IArray UArray a»

发布于 2024-12-27 22:48:24 字数 4485 浏览 2 评论 0 原文

我正在寻找一种方法来让 Enum a =>; UArray a (这对我来说很有意义,因为我们可以轻松地将枚举映射到 Int 并通过 toEnumfromEnum 返回)

到目前为止我试图从 UArray Int 的代码href="http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/array/" rel="nofollow" title="Data.Array.Base ">Data.Array.Base 并到处走私一些 toEnumfromEnum

{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

module UArrays where

import           Data.Array.Base
import           Data.Array.ST
import           Data.Array.Unboxed

import           GHC.Base -- (Int(I#), Int#(..))
import           GHC.Prim -- (indexIntArray#, readIntArray#, writeIntArray#)
import           GHC.ST (ST(..), runST)

import           Unsafe.Coerce

instance (Enum a, Bounded a) => IArray UArray a where
    {-# INLINE bounds #-}
    bounds (UArray l u _ _) = (l, u)
    {-# INLINE numElements #-}
    numElements (UArray _ _ n _) = n
    {-# INLINE unsafeArray #-}
    unsafeArray lu ies = runST (unsafeArrayUArray lu ies minBound)
        {-# INLINE unsafeAt #-}
    unsafeAt (UArray _ _ _ arr#) (I# i#) =
        I# $ fromEnum (indexIntArray# arr# i#)
    {-# INLINE unsafeReplace #-}
    unsafeReplace arr ies = runST (unsafeReplaceUArray arr ies)
    {-# INLINE unsafeAccum #-}
    unsafeAccum f arr ies = runST (unsafeAccumUArray f arr ies)
    {-# INLINE unsafeAccumArray #-}
    unsafeAccumArray f initialValue lu ies =
      runST (unsafeAccumArrayUArray f initialValue lu ies)

-- data STUArray s i e = STUArray !i !i !Int (GHC.Prim.MutableByteArray# s)
instance (Enum a, Bounded a) => MArray (STUArray s) a (ST s) where
    {-# INLINE getBounds #-}
    getBounds (STUArray l u _ _) = return (l, u)
    {-# INLINE getNumElements #-}
    getNumElements (STUArray _ _ n _) = return n
    {-# INLINE unsafeNewArray_ #-}
    unsafeNewArray_ (l, u) = unsafeNewArraySTUArray_ (l, u) wORD_SCALE
    {-# INLINE newArray_ #-}
    newArray_ arrBounds = newArray arrBounds minBound
    {-# INLINE unsafeRead #-}
    -- unsafeRead :: GHC.Arr.Ix i => a i e -> Int -> m e
    unsafeRead (STUArray _ _ _ marr#) (I# i#) =
      ST $ \ s1# ->
      case readIntArray# marr# i# s1# of
        (# s2#, e# #) -> (# s2#, I# (toEnum e#) #)
    {-# INLINE unsafeWrite #-}
    -- unsafeWrite :: GHC.Arr.Ix i => a i e -> Int -> e -> m ()
    unsafeWrite (STUArray _ _ _ marr#) (I# i#) (I# e#) =
      ST $ \ s1# ->
      case writeIntArray# marr# (unsafeCoerce i#) (I# $ fromEnum e#) s1# of
        s2# -> (# s2#, () #)


[2 of 4] Compiling UArrays          ( UArrays.hs, interpreted )

    Couldn't match expected type `Int#' with actual type `Int'
    In the return type of a call of `fromEnum'
    In the second argument of `($)', namely
      `fromEnum (indexIntArray# arr# i#)'
    In the expression: I# $ fromEnum (indexIntArray# arr# i#)

    Couldn't match expected type `Int' with actual type `Int#'
    In the first argument of `toEnum', namely `e#'
    In the first argument of `I#', namely `(toEnum e#)'
    In the expression: I# (toEnum e#)

    Couldn't match expected type `Int#' with actual type `Int'
    In the return type of a call of `fromEnum'
    In the second argument of `($)', namely `fromEnum e#'
    In the third argument of `writeIntArray#', namely
      `(I# $ fromEnum e#)'
Failed, modules loaded: Utils.

还有没有魔法unboxInt :: Int - > GHC.* 中的 Int#,并且 I# 上的模式匹配不会产生 Int,而是产生 Int # 相反,但不知何故 UArray Int 存在并且可以在 Int# 上工作。

我还找到了一篇关于 制作用于新类型的 UArray,但它似乎并不适用,因为它依赖于 unsafeCoerce。我尝试过,但它生成了一个有趣的 listArray (0, 54) $cycle [Red, Yellow, Green],其中所有构造函数都是 Blue




I'm looking for a way to have Enum a => UArray a (which makes sense to me as we can trivially map enums to Int and back by toEnum and fromEnum)

So far I tried to steal code of UArray Int from Data.Array.Base and smuggle a few toEnums and fromEnums here and there:

{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

module UArrays where

import           Data.Array.Base
import           Data.Array.ST
import           Data.Array.Unboxed

import           GHC.Base -- (Int(I#), Int#(..))
import           GHC.Prim -- (indexIntArray#, readIntArray#, writeIntArray#)
import           GHC.ST (ST(..), runST)

import           Unsafe.Coerce

instance (Enum a, Bounded a) => IArray UArray a where
    {-# INLINE bounds #-}
    bounds (UArray l u _ _) = (l, u)
    {-# INLINE numElements #-}
    numElements (UArray _ _ n _) = n
    {-# INLINE unsafeArray #-}
    unsafeArray lu ies = runST (unsafeArrayUArray lu ies minBound)
        {-# INLINE unsafeAt #-}
    unsafeAt (UArray _ _ _ arr#) (I# i#) =
        I# $ fromEnum (indexIntArray# arr# i#)
    {-# INLINE unsafeReplace #-}
    unsafeReplace arr ies = runST (unsafeReplaceUArray arr ies)
    {-# INLINE unsafeAccum #-}
    unsafeAccum f arr ies = runST (unsafeAccumUArray f arr ies)
    {-# INLINE unsafeAccumArray #-}
    unsafeAccumArray f initialValue lu ies =
      runST (unsafeAccumArrayUArray f initialValue lu ies)

-- data STUArray s i e = STUArray !i !i !Int (GHC.Prim.MutableByteArray# s)
instance (Enum a, Bounded a) => MArray (STUArray s) a (ST s) where
    {-# INLINE getBounds #-}
    getBounds (STUArray l u _ _) = return (l, u)
    {-# INLINE getNumElements #-}
    getNumElements (STUArray _ _ n _) = return n
    {-# INLINE unsafeNewArray_ #-}
    unsafeNewArray_ (l, u) = unsafeNewArraySTUArray_ (l, u) wORD_SCALE
    {-# INLINE newArray_ #-}
    newArray_ arrBounds = newArray arrBounds minBound
    {-# INLINE unsafeRead #-}
    -- unsafeRead :: GHC.Arr.Ix i => a i e -> Int -> m e
    unsafeRead (STUArray _ _ _ marr#) (I# i#) =
      ST $ \ s1# ->
      case readIntArray# marr# i# s1# of
        (# s2#, e# #) -> (# s2#, I# (toEnum e#) #)
    {-# INLINE unsafeWrite #-}
    -- unsafeWrite :: GHC.Arr.Ix i => a i e -> Int -> e -> m ()
    unsafeWrite (STUArray _ _ _ marr#) (I# i#) (I# e#) =
      ST $ \ s1# ->
      case writeIntArray# marr# (unsafeCoerce i#) (I# $ fromEnum e#) s1# of
        s2# -> (# s2#, () #)

But of course it doesn't compile:

[2 of 4] Compiling UArrays          ( UArrays.hs, interpreted )

    Couldn't match expected type `Int#' with actual type `Int'
    In the return type of a call of `fromEnum'
    In the second argument of `($)', namely
      `fromEnum (indexIntArray# arr# i#)'
    In the expression: I# $ fromEnum (indexIntArray# arr# i#)

    Couldn't match expected type `Int' with actual type `Int#'
    In the first argument of `toEnum', namely `e#'
    In the first argument of `I#', namely `(toEnum e#)'
    In the expression: I# (toEnum e#)

    Couldn't match expected type `Int#' with actual type `Int'
    In the return type of a call of `fromEnum'
    In the second argument of `($)', namely `fromEnum e#'
    In the third argument of `writeIntArray#', namely
      `(I# $ fromEnum e#)'
Failed, modules loaded: Utils.

Also there is no magical unboxInt :: Int -> Int# in GHC.*, and pattern-matching on I# doesn't yield Int but an Int# instead, yet somehow UArray Int exists and works on Int#s.

I have also found a post about making an UArray for newtypes, but it doesn't seem to apply because it relies on unsafeCoerce. I tried that but it made a funny listArray (0, 54) $ cycle [Red, Yellow, Green] in which all constructors were Blue.

Am I on the wrong track?


It works now, here is the source code:

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三生殊途 2025-01-03 22:48:24

您需要认识到 Int 是一个装箱整数,它是通过构造函数 I# 从未装箱整数 Int# 构造的。因此:

-- These functions aren't practical; they just demonstrate the types.
unboxInt :: Int -> Int#
unboxInt (I# unboxed) = unboxed

boxInt :: Int# -> Int
boxInt = I#

由于 fromEnum 已经返回一个装箱整数,因此您不必通过再次应用 I# 来重新装箱它,因此在此代码片段中,例如:

{-I# $-} fromEnum (indexIntArray# arr# i#)

。 ..您可以简单地省略 I# 构造函数。同样,当使用 toEnum 时,您应该应用 I# 构造函数从未装箱的整数中获取装箱的整数。

正如 @leftaroundabout 提到的,与使用简单的方法相比,除了 fromEnumtoEnum 可能具有的复杂性(特别是对于元组等)之外,这种装箱和拆箱可能会导致性能降低装箱数组。

You need to realize that Int is a boxed integer that is constructed from an unboxed integer Int# via the constructor I#. So:

-- These functions aren't practical; they just demonstrate the types.
unboxInt :: Int -> Int#
unboxInt (I# unboxed) = unboxed

boxInt :: Int# -> Int
boxInt = I#

Since fromEnum already returns a boxed integer, you don't have to re-box it by applying I# again, so in this code snippet, for instance:

{-I# $-} fromEnum (indexIntArray# arr# i#)

... you can simply leave out the I# constructor. Similarly, when using toEnum, you should apply the I# constructor to get a boxed integer out of an unboxed integer.

As @leftaroundabout mentioned, this boxing and unboxing in addition to the complexity that fromEnum and toEnum can have (Especially for tuples, etc) might lead to less performance compared to using simple boxed Arrays.

慈悲佛祖 2025-01-03 22:48:24

警告:函数 fromEnum 。 toEnum 并不总是双射,因此这不适用于所有枚举类型。特别是,Double 是一个 Enum 实例,但 toEnum 只是截断 Double 值。

这样做的原因是,如果您想编写像 [0, 0.1 .. 1] 这样的表达式,则必须实现 Enum 类型类。但一般来说,您所做的对于某些类型来说显然不起作用。

Warning: The function fromEnum . toEnum is not always a bijection, so this will not work for all enum types. In particular, Double is an Enum instance, but toEnum just truncates Double values.

The reason for this is because Enum is the type class you must implement if you want to write expressions like [0, 0.1 .. 1]. But generally speaking, what you're doing will just plain not work for some types.

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