我什么时候应该在 ASP.NET 网站中使用服务总线?
我正在考虑分布式网站,其中网站(多实例)由应用程序服务器(多实例)支持。 我正在努力定义它们之间的通信机制。我看到了很多选择,例如 WCF、消息服务,或者像许多人建议的那样,只需完全消除应用程序服务器即可。
I'm thinking of distributed website, where a website (Multi-instance) is backed by an App Server (Multi-instance).
I'm struggling with defining the communication mechanism between these. I see a lot of options like WCF, messaging service, or as many would suggest by simply eliminating the App Server altogether.
So what would you do for Global Level websites which expects millions of visitors.
Okay, so these are lots of questions, but they are somehow related. Does a service bus help in scalable distributed sites ... or I'm mixing the words over here.
Any guidance is highly appreciated
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Also if you want to do load distribution or routing and filtering of the messages then you can use Topics/Subscriptions in Service Bus: http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsazure/Multi-Tier-application-6c033cad
我认为这取决于沟通的方向和重要性。在某些情况下,您将有两种方式的通信,需要典型的请求/响应传输(HTTP 等)。在某些情况下,您将能够使用单向通信。这将使您能够使用消息传递传输,并提供将某些处理“离线”移动的能力。这可以帮助您扩展站点,但您可能只是将问题转移到其他地方而没有经过仔细的设计。
I think this depends on the direction and importance of the communication. It some cases you will have two way communication that will require typical request/response transports(HTTP, etc.). In some cases you'll be able to use one way communication. This would open you up to using a messaging transport, and supplying the ability to move some processing "offline". This could help you scale the site, but you may just move your problems somewhere else without some careful design.
Importance matters because if you have some information from the user you don't want to lose, say orders, then that may also push you towards something more durable like messaging. You don't necessarily need a Service Bus to use one way, durable communication, but the feature set provided may make things easier.
服务总线可以通过多种方式帮助您解决方案。正如 Adam 提到的,如果您需要持久性和时间解耦,那么使用服务总线持久队列是一个不错的选择,这里有一些详细的指导 http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/develop/net/tutorials/multi-tier-application/
另一方面手,如果你有的话应用程序服务器位于防火墙后面,只需要通过全双工通信进行 NAT/防火墙穿越,那么您可以使用服务总线中继来实现这一点:http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/develop/net/tutorials/hybrid-solution/
There are several ways in which Service Bus can help with your scenario. As Adam mentions if you need durability and temporal decoupling then using a Service Bus durable Queue is a good option, some detailed guidance for that is here http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/develop/net/tutorials/multi-tier-application/
On the other hand if you have the application server sitting behind a firewall and just need NAT/Firewall traversal with full duplex communication then you can use Service Bus Relay to achieve that: http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/develop/net/tutorials/hybrid-solution/