在 jquery colorbox/lightbox 中打开 url
我有一个显示餐厅食物菜单的页面。当一个人点击特定的食物时,我想打开颜色框中的链接。有没有办法可以打开 colorbox 中的链接而不影响其他锚标记。我无法修改现有代码(菜单由第 3 方插件显示),但我可以向页面添加其他脚本(jquery 或 php)。所以我希望添加 ("a").click(),但我不确定如何获取特定锚标记的 href 链接。目前,我要打开的所有链接都有共同的字符串“/restaurants/”。关于如何解决这个问题有什么建议吗?
I have a page that displays restaurant food menu. And when a person clicks on a particular food item I want to open the link in colorbox. Is there a way I can open the links in colorbox without effecting other anchor tags. I cannot modify the existing code(menu is displayed by 3rd party plugin) but I can add additional script to the page(jquery or php). So I was hoping to add ("a").click(), but I wasn't sure how to get the href link for a particular anchor tag. For now all the links I want to open have string "/restaurants/" in common. Any suggestions about how to solve this problem?
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