302 重定向作为过滤器意味着什么?
我在 Godaddy 上有一个托管帐户,该帐户在过去几天(准确地说,5 天)已被重定向。
302 重定向是过滤器设置,用于在我们调查和解决问题时维护托管服务器的完整性
这篇文章不是针对 godaddy 的嘘哈,我只想知道上述术语的技术方面。
I have an hosting account on Godaddy which has been redirected for last few days, to be precise, 5 days.
After mailing them quite few times, this is what they had to say
The 302 redirects are filters setup to maintain the integrity of the hosting server while we investigate and resolve an issue(s)
The post is not for boo-haa of godaddy, all I want to know is the technical aspect of the above term.
Why these filters are set, how they are set and what purpose they fulfill
Any sort of detailing on the issue will be helpful. Being a developer, it will only help when I plan to roll out hosting on my own.
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该过滤器由 godaddy 设置,以限制对您帐户的访问,直到他们完成调查。原因取决于,但如果您的网站上有非法内容,无论您是否将其放在那里,您的用户或您的帐户被黑客入侵,而其他人也这样做了,这将是一些可能的原因。我所说的非法是指任何违反他们政策或法律的行为。目的是在其他人对他们正在调查的事情负责时保护他们的网络和/或您。我会给他们打电话。
The filter was set by godaddy to restrict access to your account until they can complete an investigation. The why would depend but if your website had illegal content on it whether you put it there, a user of yours or your account was hacked and someone else did would be some possible whys. By illegal I mean anything in violation of their policies or the law. The purpose is to protect their network and or you in the event that someone else is responsible for whatever they are investigating. I would call them.
由于同样的原因,我正在从 Godaddy 撤下我的网站。他们将随机运行 302 重定向过滤器来保护他们的服务器。我发现大约 1/3 的潜在客户被重定向到我网站的非工作版本。我与 Godaddy 的支持人员进行了交谈,他们没有任何理由,但这是为了保护他们的系统而设计的。这就是你应该寻找的。我使用一家名为 Stat Counter 的公司,它会显示您的访问者路径,我的网址是 www.actions4photographers.com Go 爸爸所做的就是获取我的网址并在其末尾添加 4 或 5 个字母,然后将我的客户重定向到非我的网站的工作版本。
有客户告诉我,我的网站无法运行,我花了一小笔钱试图找出原因。现在我知道了。试图让 GoDaddy 承认他们正在运行 302 重定向过滤器就像拔母鸡的牙齿一样。像你们大多数人一样,我花了很多时间和金钱来获取流量,结果发现他们只是拒绝了我 1/3 的流量。怎么这么公平?
I am in the process of pulling my website from Godaddy because of the same reason. They will randomly run a 302 redirect filter to protect their server. I found about 1/3 of my potential customers were being redirected to a non working version of my website. I spoke with a support staff at Godaddy and they had no reason but it is designed to protect their system. This is what you should look for. I use a company called Stat Counter and it shows your visitors paths my web address is www.actions4photographers.com What Go daddy does is take my web address and add 4-or 5 letters to the end of it and redirecting my customers to a non working version of my site.
I have had customers tell me my site was not functioning and I spent a small fortune trying to find out why. Now I know. Trying to get GoDaddy to admit that they were running the 302 redirect filters was like pulling hens teeth. I have been spending... like most of you a lot of time and money working on getting traffic to find out they are just turning away 1/3 of my traffic. How it this fair?