我可以拥有与 SugarCRM 同步的用户数据库并将其主要用于发送电子邮件吗?
我在一家拥有大约 700,000 用户的网站的公司工作,它需要一个工具来:
- 列出所有用户
- 向用户发送电子邮件、创建模板、发送新闻通讯
- 显示用户已购买的产品
- 如果您找到用户,则显示哪些电子邮件已发送给用户
- 创建自动化任务,例如:向每个拥有 30 天后过期产品的用户发送电子邮件
我不确定 CRM 是否可以完成所有这些事情,我想尝试使用 CRM 来弄清楚我距离拥有一个可以完成这一切的工具有多近?我读到 SugarCRM 非常好,而且它是免费的,所以我打算尝试一下。
我想知道的是,使用 SugarCRM 的 REST 或 SOAP api,我可以将所有用户与 SugarCRM 数据库同步吗?或者例如每次在我们的网站上创建用户时,将其插入数据库中。
然后每次我们通过我们的网站发送电子邮件时,都使用 SugarCRM 来发送邮件并存储数据。这样我们就可以查看哪些电子邮件已发送给特定用户。
I work for a company that has a website with about 700,000 users, it would need a tool that would:
- List all users
- Email users, create templates, send a newsletter
- Show products a user has purchased
- If you find a user, show which emails have been sent to the user
- Create automated tasks, example: send an email to every user that has a product expiring in 30 days
I'm not sure a CRM can do all theses things, I wanted to try a CRM to figure out how close can I get to having a tool that can do all this. I read that SugarCRM is pretty good, and its free so I'm going to try it out.
What I wanted to know is, using the REST or SOAP api of SugarCRM, can I synchronise all my users with the SugarCRM database ? Or for example each time a user is created on our website, insert it in the database.
And then each time we send an email with our website, use SugarCRM instead to send a mail, and store the data. So that we can view which emails have been sent to specific users.
Thank you
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是的,您可以执行所有这些操作,但可能需要进行一些自定义才能完全满足您的需求。我假设您所说的“用户”指的是 SugarCRM 上已知的客户“帐户”?
Yes you can do all that but it may require some customisation to suit it exactly to your needs. By 'users' I assume you are referring to Customer 'Accounts' as known on the SugarCRM?
使用 Studio 将自定义字段添加到联系人模块。获取数据最简单、最快的方法是直接存入数据库。
Sugar Contacts 中的标准字段位于联系人表中。您的自定义字段的名称将附加“_c”,并在contacts_cstm 表中创建。这两个表通过 contacts.id = contacts_cstm.id_c 关联,通常是 GUID 字段(但如果需要,可以是任何字符串值)。
那么你需要有一个流程来将你网站中的新用户添加到sugar中。我建议定期轮询您的用户数据库以查找新记录,并使用 SOAP/REST API(不过祝你好运,这相当糟糕)将它们插入 Sugar 中。
除此之外,您的用例几乎是标准的 Sugar。对于发送/接收电子邮件或创建新联系人时发生的自动化任务,您需要查看逻辑钩子,在 Sugar 文档中搜索logic_hooks.php。
Add custom fields to the Contacts module using Studio. The easiest and quickest way to get your data in will be directly to the database.
The standard fields in Sugar Contacts go in the contacts table. Your custom fields will have "_c" appended to their names and be created in the contacts_cstm table. The two tables are related by contacts.id = contacts_cstm.id_c, which is generally a GUID field (but can be any string value if you need it to be).
Then you need to have a process to add new users in your website into sugar. I suggest polling your user db periodically to look for new records and using the SOAP/REST API (good luck though, it's fairly horrible) to insert them into Sugar.
Other than that your use case is pretty much standard Sugar. For automated tasks which happen whenever an email is sent/received or when a new contact is created, you'll want to look at logic hooks, search for logic_hooks.php in the Sugar documentation.