有没有办法,元标记,来加速谷歌缓存? 因为我动态地做了一些更改,即使几周后,我也只能看到旧的过时的结果。我什至检查过日志,谷歌机器人每天都存在。
Is there a way, a meta tag, to speed up google cache?
Because i have done some changes, dynamically, and even after a few weeks, i see only the old outdated results. I have even checked the logs and google bot is present every day.
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我总是在机器人的元标记中使用“noarchive”。这将阻止该网站被 Google 缓存。
页面标题或描述以及新页面的更改在搜索结果中非常快,并且“在 Google 缓存上查看”的链接消失。
I am always using "noarchive" in the meta-tag for robots. This will prevent the site from being cached by Google.
Changes to the page title or description and new pages are very fast on the search results and the link to "see on Google cache" disappears.
I think it takes a week at max and people are forced to view your page and not the outdated cache version.
Like this
Combined with a sitemap-file it does a great job on all of my sites.
没有元标记或直接方法可以告诉 Google 重新索引页面。不过,您也许可以鼓励这样做:
创建一个 xml 站点地图并将其提交到 Google 网站管理员工具。
在 Google 网站管理员工具中检查 Google 在为您的网站编制索引时是否存在任何问题。
确保您没有告诉 Google 不要为您建立索引(robots.txt、机器人元标记)
Google 在决定索引页面和网站的频率方面有一些规则。权威性、变化率和速度都可能影响下次更新的时间。
There are no meta tags or direct ways to tell Google to re-index a page. You may be able to encourage it though:
Create an xml sitemap and submit it to Google Webmaster Tools.
While in Google Webmaster Tools check if Google has any issues with indexing your website.
Make sure your not telling Google not to index you (robots.txt, robots meta tags)
Google has some rules on deciding how regularly it indexes pages and website. Authority, rate of change and speed may all factor in to when it will next update.