我们有一个 Windows 2008 R2 服务器。在该服务器上我们有一个网站(twigo.nl)。我们在该域下有多个站点(twigo.nl/umbraco、twigo.nl/imail 等)。其中大多数都是 asp 网站并且运行良好。然而,最近我复制了 imail (php),因为我们需要丹麦语版本。我将副本命名为 twigo.nl/addressbook 并且它起作用了。在该文件夹中工作一段时间后,我收到了 404 not find 错误。我问了老板,他说这个问题以前也出现过,而且总是过一段时间就会自行解决,但他希望我调查一下,看看能不能找到问题所在。所以我先做了一些测试。
我复制了我的(丹麦语)版本并将其命名为 twigo.nl/addressbook2 -->工作完美。
我复制了原始版本并将其命名为 twigo.nl/addressbook3 -->工作完美。
我删除了两个原件并将副本重命名为原始名称 -->两人又工作了。
edit2:如果有人想仔细查看该应用程序,可以在这里下载:http://www.filehosting.org/file/details/302807/R518HiPFG2dTH1mT/addressbook.rar。我已经过滤掉了数据库连接,但其他一切都在那里。 (也不介意有人为自己复制其中的一部分;))
We have a windows 2008 R2 server. On that server we have a website (twigo.nl). We have several sites under that domain (twigo.nl/umbraco , twigo.nl/imail and some others). Most of them are asp sites and work perfectly. However, recently i copied imail (php), because we need a Danish version. I named the copy twigo.nl/addressbook and it worked. After working in that folder for a while, I got a 404 not found. I asked my boss, and he said this problem has occured before, and that it always solves itself after a while, but he would like me to look into it and see if I can find where the problem lies. So I did some tests first.
I copied my (Danish) version and named it twigo.nl/addressbook2 --> worked perfectly.
I copied the original version and named it twigo.nl/addressbook3 --> worked perfectly.
I removed both originals and renamed the copies to the original names --> both worked again.
Especially that last test made no sense to me at all. I really hope someone can shed some light on this, because I have no idea what can cause something like this.
edit: I found out that after a while it indeed fixes itself, only to reappear again. I have tried sending a lot of requests when it worked but that didn't break it.
edit2: If anyone wants to take a closer look at the application, it can be downloaded here: http://www.filehosting.org/file/details/302807/R518HiPFG2dTH1mT/addressbook.rar. I have filtered out the database connection, but everything else is there. (also wouldn't mind if someone copied parts of it for himself ;))
edit3: Link to the live application (currently broken) http://twigo.nl/addressbook/index.php?token=7eb92889-8c87-4b5c-a144-68b761954dea
edit4: The token passed in the url is a securitytoken in the database, it seems that the token is changed every now and then. Does anyone have any idea where to look for something like that? I need to find out what changes that token, and see if I can disable it or adapt my application to work with the constant changing.