Android Upnp 媒体控制器
我的平板电脑中有一个 upnp 媒体服务器,我想用平板电脑控制我的电视(三星)。我已经完成了媒体服务器,我可以在电视中看到音频、视频和图像文件,但我无法用平板电脑控制它,只能用电视的远程控制。我也想用平板电脑来控制它。你们中的任何人都有任何示例或教程来向我展示如何向电视发送服务,或者如何使用平板电脑控制电视。 谢谢 我正在android平台上用java编程。
i have a upnp-media server in my tablet, and i want to control my tv(samsung) with my tablet. I have done the media server, and i can see the audio,video and images file in my tv but I cant control it with the tablet, only with the remotee control of the tv. I want to control it also with the tablet. Any of you have any example or any tutorial to show me how to send service to tv, or how can i control the tv with the tablet.
Thank you
I am programming in java on android platform.
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如果您的电视能够发现和操作媒体服务器,那么它显然可以充当 UPnP 控制点。如果您想从平板电脑向其发送命令,则需要检查它是否也充当 UPnP 设备。
最简单的方法是查看网络上有哪些设备。您可以在平板电脑上使用现有应用< /a>.或者,您可以使用 Intel Device Spy 在 Windows 上执行此操作。
如果您的电视出现,则会显示可用于控制电视的服务,并且可能会记录在 UPnP论坛。如果您的电视未出现在设备列表中,您将无法从 UPnP 控制点控制它。
Your tv obviously functions as a UPnP control point if it can discover and manipulate media servers. You'll need to check whether it also acts as a UPnP device if you want to send it commands from your tablet.
The easiest way to do this is to see what devices you have on your network. You may be able to do this from your tablet using an existing app. Or you could do it from Windows using Intel Device Spy.
If your tv appears, the services available to control it will be displayed and will probably be documented at the UPnP forum. If your tv doesn't appear in the list of devices, you won't be able to control it from a UPnP control point.
我还没有尝试过三星电视。但是像电视这样的媒体渲染器确实支持 AVTransport 服务并且
您可以按照此 Cling 指南进行操作来实现控制器。您还可以看到渲染控制服务来更新音量、亮度等。
I have not tried for samusung TV . But media Rendererslike TV do support AVTransport service and
You can follow this guide of Cling to implement the controller. You can also see Rendering control service to update volume, brightness etc.
此 C 代码针对 ARM 和 Mips 目标进行交叉编译
它可以检测 AVTransport 消息并将其发送到本地网络上的设备,例如从命令行终端播放、停止、暂停和搜索。可能是一个开始,但仍然缺乏界面。
(DISCLAIMER: I'm personally involved in developing the free and open source code linked below)
This C code cross-compiles for ARM and Mips targets
it can detect and send AVTransport messages to devices on the local network, things like play, stop, pause and seek, from a commandline terminal. Could be a start, still lacks an interface.
I wrote it to control video devices from console terminals and scripts.