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有一个生成它们的工具列表: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Call_graph#软件
What you refers is called Call Graph.
There's a list of tools to generate them: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Call_graph#Software
有几个软件不再免费,例如 www.scitools.com ,它有一个名为
Understand C 的工具
。我确信这会满足您的需求,还有其他工具,例如 BOUML(这是免费工具)。除此之外,qiao
提供的列表也是很好的参考。There couple of software which are not free anymore e.g www.scitools.com which has a tool called
Understand C
. This I'm sure will do what you are looking for, there are other tools like BOUML ( this is free tool). Other than this the list provided byqiao
is good reference.我想我已经找到了我的想法的起源。将代码显示为“具有连接的输入/输出的组件”是 LabVIEW 的一个概念。 (我并不是一个完全痴迷于寻找这种图表的人;)
但是据我所知,LabVIEW 并没有做我想要的事情。 LabVIEW 用于构建和连接功能。被硬件/固件人员广泛使用。 (这也是我的目标受众。)它不会将代码逆向工程成图表。
奇怪的是这些图表实际上并不存在。在我看来,嵌入式程序员、ansi c、低级、硬件等人会喜欢它们。
I think I've found the origin of my idea. Displaying code as "components with connected input/output" is a LabVIEW concept. (I'm not a complete nutter for seeking out this kind diagram then ;)
However as far as I know, LabVIEW doesn't do what I want it to. LabVIEW is for building and connecting functionality. Widely used by hw/fw people. (Which are also my target audience.) It will not reverse engineer code into diagrams.
Strange that these diagrams doesn't really exists. It seems to me that people such as embedded programmers, ansi c, low level, hw etc. would love them.