我目前正在使用 C2DM 推送服务开发 Android 应用程序。当然,它在模拟器中运行顺利,但是当我在我的设备上安装时,由于互联网速度连接等原因,我遇到应用程序超时。
I'm currently developing an android app using the C2DM push service. Of course it runs smootly in the emulator, but when I installed on my device, I'm getting application timeouts because of the internet speed conection or so.
What can i do to prevent this?
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没什么可做的。发送 C2DM 消息时,您可以指定消息的重要性(是否应该唤醒设备,或者等待用户唤醒设备)。但是,只有当您使用字段
指定它时,才会发生这种情况。有两个因素在起作用:手机是否已连接到 Google(顶部栏中的连接是否为绿色(至少在 Nexus 1 上))以及连接的速度有多快。据我所知,唯一可以加快速度的方法就是使用 wifi。
There is not much to do. When sending the C2DM message you can specify the importance of the message (should it wake the device, or wait for when the user wakes it). However, this will only happen, if you specify it with the field
.Two factors come in to play: Is the phone connected to Google (is the connection green in the top bar (on nexus one at least)) and how fast is the connection. The only way you can speed this up, is to be on wifi, as far as I know.