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Closed 12 years ago.
根据您的实施方式和可用闪存数量,是的,4K 应该足以运行单连接 TCP-IP 堆栈,同时运行不带 P2P 加密的 BitTorrent。
Depending on your implementation and how much Flash is available, yes 4K should be more than enough to run a single connection TCP-IP stack while running BitTorrent without P2P encryption.
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根据您的实施方式和可用闪存数量,是的,4K 应该足以运行单连接 TCP-IP 堆栈,同时运行不带 P2P 加密的 BitTorrent。
Depending on your implementation and how much Flash is available, yes 4K should be more than enough to run a single connection TCP-IP stack while running BitTorrent without P2P encryption.