Symfony 1.4 Propel:我定义了,但表中未定义外键
_attributes: { phpName: Orders, default_table_charset: utf8, default_table_collate: utf8_general_ci }
id: ~
category_id: { type: integer, size: '10', required: true, defaultvalue: '0', foreigntable: categories, foreignreference: id }
whatisthis: { type: longvarchar, required: false }
_attributes: { phpName: Categories }
id: ~
name: { type: varchar, size: '255', required: true, defaultvalue: '' }
_uniques: { index_name: [name] }
我发现我的表中没有定义外键。我正在使用 innoDB,因此 PK 是可能的。或者 Propel 不应该设置外键?
Lets see this schema:
_attributes: { phpName: Orders, default_table_charset: utf8, default_table_collate: utf8_general_ci }
id: ~
category_id: { type: integer, size: '10', required: true, defaultvalue: '0', foreigntable: categories, foreignreference: id }
whatisthis: { type: longvarchar, required: false }
_attributes: { phpName: Categories }
id: ~
name: { type: varchar, size: '255', required: true, defaultvalue: '' }
_uniques: { index_name: [name] }
I figured out that the foreign keys are not defined in my tables. Im using innoDB
so PKs are possible. Or Propel isnt supposed to set foreign keys?
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The "foreingtable" and "foreignreference" should be camel cased. And the category_id' size should be equal with the categories's id's size.
您使用的是哪个 symfony 和 propel 版本?
假设使用 Propel 1.x,这里是一个一对多关系示例:
说实话,我更喜欢手动创建数据库表(设置、索引、外键等),然后使用 symfony(假设您正在使用 Symfony 1.x) 任务来创建模式:
Which symfony and propel version are you using?
Supposing that are using Propel 1.x, here you are a one-many relationship example:
To be honest, I prefer to manually create the database tables (setting, indexes, foreign keys and so on) and then I use the symfony (assuming that you are using Symfony 1.x) task to create the schema: