将 json 对象从 iphone 发送到 java servlet 的时间太长
我们正在开发一个 iPhone 应用程序,它将用户所在位置的 json 字符串发送到部署在 Google 应用程序引擎上的 Web 应用程序 (JAVA)。我们使用 htpp 请求来发送这些字符串。我们的问题是字符串有时很大,这需要很长时间。还有其他方法吗?
We are developing an iphone app that sends json strings of locations user has been at to a web app (JAVA) that is deployed on google app engine. We use htpp requests to send these strings. Our problem is that the the strings are large sometimes and this takes too long time. Is there any other method?
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您可以压缩您的 JSON。这是 GAE 的一段代码:
You can compress your JSON. This is the piece of code for GAE:
This is the uncompress method:
If your system is sending a collection of locations, try not sending them all at a time, but splitting the whole collection in small blocks, with a size that you estimate doesn't take too much time.
Another idea: if you do this sending as a background process, the main process (as in user interface) shouldn't be penalized.