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Closed 10 years ago.
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尝试ORM 设计器。您可以导入注释并获取视觉模型。该模型可以导出为 PDF 或 PNG 文件。

Try ORM Designer. You can import annotations and get the visual model. This model can be exported to PDF or PNG file.
In addition you can also edit your schema files visually, and then continuously export your definitions back to your code.
This is how model looks like:

中添加对此工具的支持,因此如果您使用 symfony 或 CI 或其他框架,这也可能很快可用。如果您使用 Zend Framework 2.1 (正如我正在写的那样)并且遵循我的使用 ZF2 安装 Doctrine 2 ORM 的教程,开发人员工具栏将使您能够生成所有实体及其关系的图表,如下图所示:
该工具尚不完美,但您可能会在 DoctrineORMModule。
This answer is framework-specific, but I'm working on adding support for this tool in
, so if you are using symfony or CI or other frameworks, this may also be available soon.If you are using Zend Framework 2.1 (as I'm writing) and follow my tutorial on installing Doctrine 2 ORM with ZF2, the developer toolbar will give you the ability to generate a diagram of all the entities with their relations, as of following picture:
The tool is not yet perfect, but you may find it and help improve it in DoctrineORMModule.