第一次 SQL 到 Linq 的转换
我是 LINQ 新手,有人可以指导我如何在 Linq 中转换以下 SQL 查询吗?
Select tblIns.InsID, tblProg.ProgName
from tblIns, tblProg
Where tblIns.InsID = tblProg.InsID
我正在开发 MVC2 项目,我有 dataContext 和 Reposetories ,请在下面找到我需要此查询的代码:
public IQueryable<tblInstitute> InsRepeater()
return from Inst in _db.tblInstitutes
from Progs in _db.tblPrograms
Where Inst.InstituteID = Progs.InstituteID
Select Inst.InstituteID, Progs.ProgramName
I am new to LINQ, can somebody guide me that how can I convert the following SQL Query in Linq.
Select tblIns.InsID, tblProg.ProgName
from tblIns, tblProg
Where tblIns.InsID = tblProg.InsID
I am working on MVC2 Project, I have dataContext and Reposetories , please find below the code where I need this query:
public IQueryable<tblInstitute> InsRepeater()
return from Inst in _db.tblInstitutes
from Progs in _db.tblPrograms
Where Inst.InstituteID = Progs.InstituteID
Select Inst.InstituteID, Progs.ProgramName
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您需要的第一件事是模拟数据库的数据上下文。下面是如何使用 linq to sql 执行此操作的示例。您还可以使用实体框架 (EF) 或任何其他提供程序来完成此操作。
并且需要以分号结束语句(假设它是 c#)。然后你的select语句需要选择一个新的对象。结果看起来像这样:The first thing you need is a data context which emulates your database. Here is an example of how to do this with linq to sql. You can also do it with entity framework (EF) or any other provider.
Once you have the tables created, the query then translates pretty straight forward:
With the question you have asked, this is as much as I think will be useful. In the future it's best to write questions explaining what you are trying to do, what you have tried, and then where you are stuck. The question should be specific enough to get you just over the next hump.
Per your edit: The query you have needs to have lowercase
and it needs to end the statement with a semi-colon (assuming it is c#). Then you select statement needs to select a new object. The results would look something like this:首先你需要
2. 数据背景。
3. 定义关系
First you need to
1. Create entity classes.
2. The data context.
3. Define relationships
4. Query
Assuming you have your foreign keys set up properly in the database you can just do this, there is no need to to the joins yourself: