点击 jQuery 可排序列表不会模糊输入
我可以通过单击页面上除 jQuery 可排序列表之外的任何位置来模糊输入。我该如何解决这个问题? UPD:演示
I can blur my input by clicking anywhere on the page except the jQuery Sortable list. How can I fix this?
UPD: demo
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看看 jquery-ui 中的 cancel 选项,
请参阅我的 jsfiddle
我理解您的问题。因为 jQuery 在对列表进行排序时会停止浏览器的默认功能,所以永远不会对该字段调用模糊。你必须迫使场变得模糊。
请参阅我的 jsfiddle。我使用更改来调用模糊,如果您希望模糊始终发生,您可以将“更改”更改为“开始”。
Take a look at the cancel option from the jquery-ui
You'll have to remove the
See my jsfiddle
I understand your problem. Because jQuery stops the default functionality of the browser when sorting a list, the blur is never called for that field. You'll have to force the field to blur.
See my jsfiddle. I use change to call the blur, you can change 'change' to 'start' if you want the blur to always happen.
这是jquery sortable的一个bug,将在jqueryui 2.0.0中修复。请参阅可排序:单击可排序项目不会导致表单元素模糊
It is a bug of jquery sortable, which will be fixed in jqueryui 2.0.0. See Sortable: clicking a sortable item does not cause form element to blur
To limit the handle to a specific element that is not a input solved it for me.